Robert S.

The only correct answer re: impeachment is one that addresses it as a strategic issue, first and foremost.

It’s a nice movie where no one dies and everyone dances and sings and smartly avoids any stampede situations. Just a good feels trip.

you don’t get AIDS from someone coughing in a room full of people. But you do get measles that way. You don’t know people who died from measles, because they are dead. We don’t see the people regularly who were disfigured because of it because they often are shy about being stared at because of how they look.

Of course it is possible for children, even those who are not immunocompromised, to die from complications of the measles. But not that many.”

Didn’t she also promote the author of some phony self-help/former drug addict book that made up his back story?

I don’t quite get people still loving Oprah.

And that she can promote con artists and everyone will still love her.

Heres something people don’t realize in good old ‘murica. The vast majority of our power generation is done by natural gas and coal. China also uses a lot of coal, but in the last 2 years they've installed 4 AP1000 nuclear reactors. Not to mention the largest hydroelectric dam in the world before that. We are

There is no way China is using 300,000 battery powered buses. China regularly publishes this kind of crap and every time investors like myself get excited and dig into the data we find they are lying. Those kind of numbers would have had a noticeable demand on commodities I’m invested in and I haven’t seen that. If I

If Medicare for All really includes all the features you mention, why is it called Medicare for All?

I’m for single payer healthcare but you’re dead wrong. How we fund it is extremely important. You gloss over the issue. We’d pay a bit more in taxes depending on income. Hard pass. I want details about how the funding stream will be rock solid progressive.

This is going to be long so hold on. I had a Boston Terrier named Roscoe Dolomite, may he RIP. There was a guy who had a shepherd name Shep (the owner was not terribly creative he also had a black dog named....wait for it.....Blackie) that used to love to hump my little Boston. This would go on until Roscoe would

Rogan skates by with a lot of plausible deniability, which is the default setting of hyper-bro libertarians who happen to like weed. His pro-MRA shit, especially, doesnt sit well with me, but YMMV.

He’s ok when talking to comedians, but anything slightly serious or intellectual, good god is he clueless. Jeez, if he really wants to expand his mind, go to college or something. Spend all day in a library, something.

I think he’s one of those people who sounds smart and reasonable until you hear him talk about something you’re an expert on. Then he sounds so uneducated that it makes you wonder about everything else he’s said.

This beef has been recalled due to high levels of prions.

“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for an apology I can tell you I don’t have any shame, but what I do have are a very particular set of prejudices. Prejudices I have acquired over a very long life. Prejudices that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my Whiteness

You have literally no idea what you are talking about.

Uh, you basically just assume that your very specific situation is the same type of situation that would make Kamala Harris’s office decide to prosecute your mother. Except that doesn’t really seem to be the way they operated. The criminal charges were the stick, the school and CPS resources were the carrot. You were

isn’t one of the reasons that demand doesn’t fall because, you know, sometimes people have to get to the hospital fast or they die?