Robert S.

So now, instead of having a nice easy to follow regulation, California will sue the crap out of car companies for damages? “We traced your engineering documents and you knew that the change was likely to lead to an extra 1000 deaths a year, We are willing to settle for $1M per predicted death, it took 10 years for us

Do you have ANY idea how much it would cost to make a human burger?

Hmm... Why on earth would people react differently to say, a stadium of people suddenly dropping dead, compared to knowing the same number of people will die each day across the nation. Could it be because that they are qualitatively different?  That the impact is totally and UTTERLY missed if reduced to number of

Right, a settler, not an immigrant. The first murders anyone who gets in their way, the latter joins the community they are moving to.

Molon Labe... All the bodies that stack up instead of evacuating because of the stupid design?

Have you checked the little envelope taped to your windshield?

Oh, I was wondering what all the *Alpha* broflakes hyperventilating about last week while muttering “mermaids”. I should have guessed ...

They really should make it so you can swap sides for all the cheap, front of engine prop rod setups. It couldn’t be a significant cost, so make it so if the customer wants the rod on the other side, they can just switch it over. If they are paranoid or just weird, the customer could buy an extra and use two.

It’s not some lack of availability that is keeping kids without blankets, or soap, or toothbrushes. It's the men with guns making the active choice to deny access or to remove the items in question. Force them to accept more supplies, and they will just make the supply pile a bit larger.

smudges or etching on the thermal imaging camera combined with not recognizing that they can zoom is way, way more likely.

We’ll have to find a new way to test how well new expanding foam formulas work to silence exhausts?

that we need to stop venting helium when harvesting natural gas because it’s essentially a finite resource?

wait.... not the Onion?

So the government needs to implement central control of what degrees people will have? That’s not a promise of left shoe making engineers graduating one year, right shoe making engineers the next.

precordial thump. Always worth a try as defrib and chemical cardioversion hurt a HELL of a lot more.

precordial thump. Always worth a try as defrib and chemical cardioversion hurt a HELL of a lot more.

Wait a sec.. Is he a Democrat now?

If you thought bees in your epiglottis was a fun time, wait till they fly up your shorts. 

We’re in bubble territory, and without government intervention things will continue to get “better” and then everything will go to shit all of a sudden. 

So you're saying he's having the wrong sort of stroke?