To be fair, some would like to do so but aren’t allowed. You can’t really decide to not buy medicare in favor of other ACA compliant insurance. If you do, you face pretty massive backpayments and fines.
To be fair, some would like to do so but aren’t allowed. You can’t really decide to not buy medicare in favor of other ACA compliant insurance. If you do, you face pretty massive backpayments and fines.
God looks like Barbra Bush with the clap?
The system does “inform” the pilots, there is a GIANT wheel right next to their hand that is turning, with contrasting colors to make it extremely visible, and it’s Loud. The problem isn’t the way things are built.
It’s supposed to be a fairly simple thing,
The training is that if the automatic trim system is misbehaving, turn it off. Boeing clearly expected the pilots to recognize the problem as trim being misapplied and turn the system off. Under training and relying way too much on the pilots is the issue. (The system malfunction didn’t immediately crash the plane, it…
People say Medicare for All, and that has a specific meaning. Single Payer means something else. Medicare for All would be another small step in the right direction. If the big plan is to campaign for Medicare for All and then put forward Single Payer, the republicans will kill it by calling it a bait and switch.
I’d hate to be so allergic to something that I couldn’t be near anything derived from it. Surely if you’re so sensitive that eating something treated with ethylene risks a reaction you can’t walk outside.
Not riding motorcycles saves lives too. If I’m not allowed to pour expanding foam into overly loud exhausts to bring the vehicle into compliance, the cops should have reasonable leeway to ticket. (Though my method has added safety benefits to the would be rider)
Did you not notice the last few years? People voted for the Face Eating Tiger party and then are all pissy that their faces are being chewed on. A bunch of people just want to watch it burn and don’t care if they start the fire while standing in the middle of the pile.
That report was and is total, utter, bullshit. It includes things like treatments not working under “medical error”, so go in with a heart attack, get CPR, die anyway? That’s “medical error” according to the shitty pseudo-study.
Uh, I sort of hope any non zero number is still more than twice any number multiplied by zero. (which should be the number of unjustified and unjustifiable shootings, but probably not the total number of yearly police shootings. I’m fine with the cops shooting the next “racist white guy with a gun trying to perpetrate …
With Kanye refusing his meds, he’s walking that line. Untreated mental illness can kill just like following the wrong leader, and it’s just as tragic.
Really? All these comments and I haven’t seen one recommendation to carry 4 bricks and a core puller in the trunk/frunk. Put the bricks under the lift points, pull the cores, leave them taped to the assholes driver side window. If you want to be a bigger pain, drop the caps into the nearest trash can.
Or the “they say millennials are lazy. Retire early and prove them right” billboard. Is “Retire” a codeword for burning down a Prudential office among Prudential employees?
So now even our movies come with goddamn QTEs?
ADA compliance for one. It’s really, really hard for a sheet of paper to give voice prompts, or have nice large buttons for people with physical impairments, or connect to a standard sip/puff switch for the severely disabled/paralyzed.
Ah, an example of the Asshole corollary to Poe’s law. It’s utterly impossible to tell a troll from a random dumb asshole on the internet.
As stated, this does a great job of aligning the employees’ interests with the company. Giving the workers a stake in the value of the company, not at the whim of management, would keep things aligned. Many companies view employees as costs instead of assets, this would at least make them actual stakeholders.
Oh, and don’t forget that if you work too much you get kicked off, lose anything you managed to save, and then potentially die or go bankrupt when your health declines because you have to spend months waiting for Medicaid to kick in again.
My first guess is that the HullVane has a really, really restricted set of sea states it could possibly work well in, and an pretty narrow set of speeds as well.