Robert S.

Did you even bother checking that link or did you just copy the first google result?

Most molybdenum lubricants are moly-sulfide based, so you are smelling various sulfur break down compounds.

So next time you jaywalk, a cop should shove you in front of a moving car, right? Body checking someone off a skateboard and into a stationary object is not a reasonable use of force when responding to someone committing minor traffic violations.

AIS gives an ID number, Name, size, Position, Speed, and rate of turn (and a few other things not relevant for tracking). No collision avoidance is done at that level.

I’m not sure about what was in place that long ago. ADS-B is part of TCAS-II so it’s pretty much universally in place among commercial planes and quite a few GA craft as well.

Tiny correction, ADS-B trackers have their own reception networks (with quite a few stations run by plane watchers or hams). The same is true with the AIS trackers. The USCG and FAA do NOT give access to their feeds for general commercial use.

First, “government connected” in Russia means they are ultimately controlled by Putin. Second, the most damning evidence publicly available is timing of information releases by the Trump campaign and Russian assets. It confirms a communication channel that has yet to be disclosed. Trump might have been left in the

No shell game, a warranty is a legal document and they can’t change “was damaged during racing or competition” into “is on a car that was driven on a track” once the car is sold.

Where do street races take place? Where did you drive your car to get to the dealership? Warranty void.

Benz gives exactly 0 fucks once you have left the lot. We had an engine grenade because they fucked up the metallurgy on a new type of sintered timing gear and it took 2 years and a class action suit for any resolution.


“the Humane Society’s Prairie Dog Coalition”

Or the shorter reply, when the the headline is a question, and NO is an reasonable response, it is almost always the correct response.

Guess the best way to establish the worst possible police force. Get rid of all police for a while, and the backlash will be a total free for all, without even the pretext of justice.

What a perfect way to fuck the city out of money. Just don’t honor the PSL for long enough for people to demand refunds.

Turbine powered helicopters, and stationary power turbines do, but the small compromise in efficiency (the turboshaft needs a lot less air than a trubofan) is worth it both because downtime is unacceptable, and they spend a lot more time in environments where ingestion is an issue.

Wasn’t Bannon stopped by the TSA from carrying a gun onto a plane.

Even that wasn’t enough. It seems they define “child abuse” as “investigation into allegations of”. Perhaps they went into a law library, found a book on how to properly deal with allegations was indexed under “child abuse” and figured it was a list of things that they must never ever do.

Times when it’s a good idea to worry if the investigation is a witch hunt

The weasel words here are “proof” and “safe”. Science deals in evidence not proofs, and for them safe means incapable of causing any possible harm in any conceivable scenario.