Robert S.

Given that it looks like they didn’t take an angle grinder to the wings and there were 17 citations issued, I’m guessing the city hired the proper folks, are crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s , and will send the guy a bill/file a lien.

My thinking on this was if he wasn’t such a giant asshole, and was willing to make it safe, it might not have been such an issue. As it was I think it probably qualified as an attractive nusance and the city had a point. I hope those tanks were bone dry, avgas still uses tetraethyl.

State level groups must be assumed to be able to remotely access/take over such devices. It’s possible to make a locked down, secure device but it means a huge decrease in functionality as any programs on it have to be vetted before installation and update.

2010 California Code: Vehicle Code

Why not. The factories could be set to produce car bodies and splice together humans based on “mating”. There are a LOT of benefits of mating to the health of a species, add in a bit of Lysenko’esk “changes to the car design over a lifetime can be passed down by the factory” and it could possibly avoid collapse.

Who knows, perhaps trump will slip and his baby hands will send a MOAB to demolish the stadium.

The proper name is “Shit Weasel”

No, Tesla would split the fee they receive. The person had to wait would get a credit or equiv for their time.


I dont know the exact method used, but things like one time passwords , or even two way IR comms are easy enough to implement and get rid of replay attacks.

Or just uae something like the Mercedes system that had IR comms between the vehicle and key. Anything that requires physical manipulation of the key kills this attack, and if you have physical access to the key and the car you can take the car anyways. Trying to use timing based filters would likely just mean a less

When I say concurrent access I mean press something on the car and press something on the fob. Only after both can you can unlock/drive. Just being near the fob wouldn’t be enough.

The good news is that this isn’t a crypto failure. Its literally just a signal relay. Disabling car initiated unlocks (either through the onboard systems or configuration software connected to the obdc port) solves the main problem of unlocking with only proximity to the key. Requiring physical key manipulation to

If you have concurrent access to the car and the fob, well, then you can unlock the car and drive it away. But then you could do that already. This just takes away the need to have the fob AT the car. Basic, dirt cheap, crypto solves the problem of replay attacks if it’s implemented.

Best case scenario, Briles didn’t know/believe the abuse was at the level it actually was, and now he wants all the dirty laundry out in public. He knows he’s damned but he will drag the other bastards down with him.

Sure, you don’t kick your leg out to jump higher.

With only “normal” things happening anyone pulling that has a ring on has a chance of having a finger ripped off. “ Run up and pull” is OK only where not doing so will injure or kill someone, otherwise take a moment to do it safely.

I’m more worried that this is an attempt to bog the system down with spurious requests and complaints by misinforming voters. This could be the equivalent of setting up a DDOS against the various elections departments. I would have thought actually implementing such tactics unthinkable, but the republican nominee

Hey dumbass, that’s what the rest of us in society are doing; that’s what democratic/representative government is. It’s the force of the people used in total the way the people decide it should be used. And dont bitch that everyone complains about the government, voting for X, happily accepting the benefits X gives,

Throwing around regulatory weight would be arresting him for for his reckless driving and seizing all his stuff as evidence to be returned someday unless he showed he only operated on streets after proper closed course testing. (If he didn’t, and it sure looks like he didn’t, he should have all his fancy toys taken