Robert S.

HFCS, lower caloric content per unit sweetness. Those products that have HFCS in them usually have it substituting for granulated sugar. Agave syrup is basically fructose syrup, and people think its great and healthy. HFCS, its a sugar mix so don’t go overboard, but the same is true for all sugar, is HFCS evil because

Contact? Germany was throwing US players to the turf left and right. I mean literally grabbing them at the waist and shoulder, pivoting them off a well planted leg, and throwing them down so they couldn’t play a corner kick. At least 2 blatant wrestling/tripping fouls that should have drawn red cards, the elbow to the

Germany got away with 2 clear yellow/reds and at least a half dozen clear yellows. The refereeing was a bit crap but it went both ways.

Fuckoff. The Confederate BATTLE flag is primarily a post Brown v Board symbol. It was hoisted as “segregation forever” not “my greatgrandpappy died over there”.

Bolting on panels makes sense, but simple high contrast wraps are easy to feed into any high quality photogrametry software to pop out the surface shape. And full interior cammo? Is total lack of testing why nav/media systems suck so much balls?

Excuse the Necropost, but no, you need to either discharge via shorting (screwdriver across the leads works well) or clipping a moderate value resistor 100K ohm or more across the larger caps and waiting 15+ minutes. for big caps you need both as they can self “recharge” as the chemistry equalizes.

In case you were still wondering, the water likely killed the tracking/remote shutdown system the rental company installed. When it died it probably sent out a tamper alarm.

No, I’m saying 6 years between fatal accidents is an inadequate time period to show our pilot compensation scheme is adequate to insure long term safety.

And the only thing that needs to be referenced to blow your argument out of the water is the decrease in LA smog.

I bet you think AGW isn’t a thing because a cherry picked 12 year period has the global average temperature going down. 6 years, that means there are no problems and there will never be another crash, not that we’ve been lucky.

For Tesla’s version 6.3?

There is absolutely NO , ZERO, NADA reasons to (do any activity when a child is within 5 miles). If a person does this, they are idiots and should be charged with child endangerment.

That only works well if you can have an AMRAAM running passive, waiting to go to active final when they figure they are being spoofed.

The catch fence did its job,deceleration of the car and other bits and containment. There is a reason for the spectator fence a few meters away from the catch fence; when a catch fence catches, it deforms. If you happen to be where the deformation is happening you are injured or killed. With the race marshals nearby

Somehow thousands of homes take as much power as 400 or so electric room heaters. Hope Damon has a nice genset/UPS system for the brownouts when it gets chilly.

You know how sometimes the magic smoke gets out of the electronics. This is like that, times a billion or so.

I'm utterly unfamiliar with the blackhawk, so is that a speedbrake I see or pitch control? I'm familiar with a bare two rotor layout, or stubby wings for a bit of lift/storagestorage volume but what looks like an elevator on the tail is new to me.

Does the P3 have a remote laser induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument? Perhaps a tech onboard was wondering of it really was cadmium yellow on the tips of the VS.

Nope. The Ducati needs a thousand horse turbine.