Inverse Falcon

Just give it to us as a HD-2D title and don’t fuck up the font this time. If they want to go beyond that, should go all-in on the pixel art IMO. The writing lets it down, but look at Sea of Stars’ visual presentation for inspiration, that game is absolutely gorgeous, that’s more the direction I would want a Chrono

100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive

Over 6000 layoffs in the video game industry, but how many people have been laid off in the Tech Industry altogether from 2023-present? The fact that companies can just throw their workers away while claiming record profits is ugly capitalism at its finest, but the sheer unchecked accountability for companies to

The officers had reason to believe Jackson owned/possessed a firearm with a suppressor.”

Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?

It bothers me that they didn’t name the event...

I keep trying this game and every time I run right into a wall of the worst dialogue any game has ever had. It’s just good guys dimwittedly explaining the simplest possible things to each other while occasionally saying inscrutable bullshit about hearts, and bad guys popping it say stuff like “Stay back, for we split

I applaud you for not making this article a slideshow.

Was pretty obvious from the line in the trailer, but I’m very happy for him because I know how much he loves FF7 (and us because I’m sure he’ll kill it). Cool that he talked about it with Steve Blum, too.

Time will tell whether the latter half of Frieren’s first season will maintain its pace as a thoughtful slice-of-life fantasy series that takes its time to meditate over death and the beauty of life or if those foundations will give way, transforming it into yet another action-centric fantasy anime in an

It’s always amazing to me how much they were able to get away with in that Castlevania anime. Ostensibly the plot of the final season was that a whole bunch of vampires were conspiring to resurrect Dracula and the heroes had to stop them. But that was sort of happening in the background of a bunch of other scenes

Isaac really was the best character in the show. Much like the article I was always super interested in his scenes, regardless of them being very disconnected from the rest of the story.

It also didn’t sell particularly poorly. It certainly didn’t bomb and it’s not quite fair to compare it against FFXV, which launched way later in the consoles lifecycles to much, much larger install bases on multiple platforms.

Probably my favourite Nick Frost performance, full stop.

Hot Fuzz is best, Shaun of the Dead is a close second, and while The World’s End is in third, for me, it’s still an amazing movie. The film’s numerous choreographed fight scenes are worth the price of admission alone. I didn’t love the ending the first time I saw it, but I’ve grown to appreciate how ballsy it is.

I understand his reasons for selecting The World’s End as his favorite, but Hot Fuzz’s script is a masterpiece of structure and dialogue equaled by the performances of everyone in the movie.

She opened every Tropes vs. Women video with the same line:

Most of the manosphere reactionaries never watched a single Feminist Frequency video. They reacted to the lies YouTube dudebros told them.

idk 15 years is a great run, I’d consider this pretty successful