We will oftentimes read to the kids as we put them to bed.
2. The hoses are long enough that you don’t have to use the side that your fuel hole is on. So if there’s a shorter (or no) line on the opposite side, you can use that one.
Can’t wait for Nintendo to announce Mario is Missing (Again)!
It’d be nice (although admittedly more time-consuming to implement) a system in which you can select a difficulty (‘Novice’, ‘Intermediate’, ‘Expert’) on a per-stage basis and the amount of orders, kitchen layout, and target score are changed to suit.
On a related note: Does a sudden change in throttle application have a negative impact in a hydroplaning situation?
What makes that moment even more satisfying is the truly pissed look that Warren carries through that statement, even at the end.
Hah! I love the comments some people posted on the level.
One Other Tip:
I flew on Spirit, Frontier, and United with some regularity a few years back.
1) Click on the Closed Captioning (‘CC’) icon on the vide0,
Thanks! And now, I think I’m going to make me some buttered toast and PB&J sandwich. :)
Somewhat related: Is there some sort of color-coding going on when they swap out the tires?
His final remarks somewhere along the lines of “The Census will be able to use this newly gathered data in their final count.”. Does that hold any legal water?
This was exactly what I think would happen.
Lol! Goes to show how much attention I apparently pay to timestamps on posts.
Lol! Goes to show how much attention I apparently pay to timestamps on posts.
Just FYI,
Just FYI,
Looks like they’re back (for now...)!
So, you mean to tell me he is by far the least qualified person to run in an overcrowded primary? Full of hot-air and little substance?
There’s at least two of us!