Entirely Unrelated
Entirely Unrelated
Sheet metal can’t get dirty if there is no sheet metal to get dirty...
I was involved in recruitment, securing training locations, training, surveying, and was ultimately there long enough to take care of the ones that were left that hadn’t completed it (for whatever reason, including the ones you encountered).
I used to have an InterAct Virtual Memory Card System.
A local pizza chain here offers a large, 1-topping carryout for $6.99.
Junior High typing class.
Thanks for the info!
I was happy to see the prices on Model S’es had come down, but then got bummed out when I realized it was a 2013 which meant no autopilot. :(
You may be onto something...
Just did a quick unit conversion to see how many cups of coffee I consume in a given workday... turns out I drink about 6 - 8. Not surprising when you consider I drink coffee in lieu of water.
I would absolutely love a crank-rechargeable Gameboy Pocket that looked just like this! While I’ll probably never cough up the money for this particular system, the designers nailed it aesthetically-speaking in my book.
Plain Cheerios, with stirred peanut butter and milk taste great.
Thanks for that! For those of you who’ve ever wondered what an authentic James May burp sounds like:
If you haven’t already, you should definitely catch James May on (the conveniently titled and in no particular order):
He owns a fairly large farm - and since the tent is gone he needed an excuse to limit his daily work commute. :P
Did we just get a sneak-peek of one of the ‘Big-boy Presidential Daily Briefs’ Trump likes so much?
Holy crap.
In case you missed the answer, I’ll just copy/paste them all here!
You could always try to win the one reviewed here by buying some swag from the site....