That shot pulling into Matt Field’s Corvette as it enters the turn... wow.
But when you’re the President of the United States of America - such petty, childish actions only serve to further global worries about your ability to properly handle serious life and death decisions when they inevitably turn up.
Not exactly the same, but this might scratch your itch:
This is the correct advice.
So... he’s seen the report himself (about 45 seconds into the ‘Oranges’ video)?
Probably because he had his emergency blinkers on (which was the right thing to do).
“When parents come in and I’m holding their child, they’re so appreciative,” Skrysak says.
Matt Novak, from your sister site, is already on it!
Here it is was (source)!
What’s funny is that Ford could have easily avoided this ‘leak’ had they simply trotted the truck around without any of the ‘look-at-me’ camo and almost no one would have paid any attention to it.
So you’re telling me now might not be the best time to get into the stock market?
No problem!
Nah, go take another look at the article - here’s the excerpt that pertains to average life expectancy of a GFCI outlet:
Unless unbeknownst to you, your GFCI outlet has exceeded its shelf-life (or is just plain faulty):
Hey, cut the guys some slack - the employee break room was getting repainted, so they very well couldn’t stick him there.
We’ve come to the conclusion that we must be some sort of stray pet magnet. Over the last year we’ve had 4 different stray pets (3 dogs, 1 cat) wander up to our home.