Hmmm.... I’m sure we can part with the old (but running) Corolla to get the 4Runner (running, but not as well and I don’t have time to do it) going... *cogs turning*
Hmmm.... I’m sure we can part with the old (but running) Corolla to get the 4Runner (running, but not as well and I don’t have time to do it) going... *cogs turning*
His response to that recently was something along the lines of:
EdX is a great resource for free lessons on these (and many, many others) topics. Here’s some links:
This is Honda’s way to secretly reveal their baby Ridgeline concept which is built on the Civic platform.
Is smuggling food into theaters still a thing?
That NeoWing.... Honda, what are you waiting for?!
Question (though I may be way off in my understanding):
For sale, you say? Hmmm... anyone have Jay Leno’s number?
It’d be awesome if the developer could strike a deal to use their Top Gear names as names for the new streets.
I get the strange feeling that this sudden eagerness stems from some previously unknown health condition that Kim is suffering from. His time is numbered and he wants to leave the country in a more secure footing for his sister to take over and keep control.
Those lower two images... they effectively just added 3 more USB ports since the plug was already there and oriented in the same direction and was already surge-protected. Something someone could have accomplished by purchasing the 4-USB port adapter pictured just above it!
Those lower two images... they effectively just added 3 more USB ports since the plug was already there and oriented…
*Raises hand*
Katy Tur’s response after he hung up was great - that was a genuine ‘what did we just witness?’
Your comment peaked my curiosity, so I did some cursory research - and according to this 2012 report (, Uruguay ranked 18th amongst the 25 countries considered to be full democracies in the world (the USA…
Not to mention his riding companion also had a GoPro strapped to his helmet which they could have used to show another angle...
I wonder why they added windows to the other apparently empty fuselage.
Someone better gather these tweets into a ‘Kids say the darnedest things!’ collection of books! They’re absolutely gold!