
I shall express my happiness in the language of my people:

Alternate lead image and headline:

That may explain my family’s recent run-in with intestinal illness.... crap.

I know I worked there for years.... but are there really people that thought this was real?!

Mmmm.... rabbit.

When we first heard wind of Stephen Fry’s narration of Harry Potter, my wife and I sat around our laptop over the course of a couple of weeks to listen to it. It was absolutely wonderful!

The obvious answer is a Three-Dimensional Art Piece, duh!

Had that video been much clearer it would have made for one heck of a wallpaper/poster.

Just got spooked by the lightning, obviously:

“Ahh, it’s not that bad”

“All of it.”

I’ll just make sure to travel with The Rock whenever I’m in the area.

I went with The Gits instead.

I like yours also! Been watching Top Gear for so long that I can hear their voices read every line.


While the BBC got The Stig in the divorce, word on the street says Amazon can take ownership of The Gits, the Stig’s backwards cousin!

Posted on the Gizmodo article about this, but I think my fellow Jalops could appreciate it more:

Their first episode had better involve them determining what car is the best to handle warehouse duties, transportation, and delivery duties of a package.