
I just use my bothersome offspring to hold my phone for me!

I've known an two "America"s and one "California".

Colbert's treading on thin ice... because skippytheduck3 has already filed a patent for Patent Trolling. By the way, what happened to the text format tool to add links in posts?! Let's do it the old-fashioned way then:

Neither would I. My list of "must-but-will-never-be-able-to-buy" cars is already crowded and this won't make the cut.

But would you agree it's nice looking? The best? Absolutely not. But nice...

I believe that part of the "rules" for getting the official record requires that no aerodynamic modifications be made to the standard trailer used.

That's a nice looking rear you've got there....

I get the message they're trying to get across - "this technology is in our car", but the Bentley cannot be used for shooting video... as far as I know. So why not just shoot it with a DSLR camera (instead of using a DSLR adapter), then edit it on the iPad? Oh yeah, "marketing".

I was next to a semi-truck on the highway during a moderate rain.

Ooooo... thanks for the link, and it's darn well close enough! I think we can give it honorary Miata-zenship.

Now playing

I'm expecting something unfortunate to happen to her and Regina will ultimately get blamed. Drama ensues, a couple of scorched curtains from her escaping, then bam! Happy Regina-Hood marriage ceremony. Only to be followed by something like this [00:18]:

If you feel you can do a "better" job, by all means get to posting in your own Kinja blog. If it's good it may even be shared to the front page. Good luck!

I yelled out "Your clothes... give them to me, now." as that scene was happening.

Don't worry about Regina and Hood Meredith! sources deep inside my head tell me that Maid Marian will fall for Smee next season, leaving the door open for an even more awkward Thanksgiving dinner between all of them!

Hah! "Frozen Warrior" is exactly what I thought of as well!

Aaaaaaaaandd..... now I want one.

I agree! Sell all the cars here, let me decide which ones I'd like to drive.

If by "scenery" you mean absolutely nooooooooooooooooooooooothing to see*....