
Here's my ranking (in no particular order):

I'm pretty sure you're "whatever" and quite possibly "but"... take that as you will.

Did you just... hold a grudge?

Absolutely this. Get rid of things you've held on to "just because".

It was originally posted to foxtrotalpha (a sub-blog), Patrick just shared it to the front-page since it may be interesting to some readers of Jalopnik (explosions!)... if people enjoy it they can then peruse FA for more stories they like.

I think this is just them coming to the realization that after the Nexus 6, naming the successor to that phone would get tricky....

Then how am I supposed to decide where to look?! (truly, I jest, this is not the car for me)

Will this do for zero emission commuting in 2014, or will you keep looking until somebody comes up with 100+ miles range for the same sort of money?

Except HTC's phones have forward-facing speakers... so it's not reflected. Why other manufacturers haven't followed suit is beyond me.

I read all of that in the Old Spice Guy's voice (hello ladies...). Also:

Neal sending Hook the letter/potion and conveniently forgetting to put his signature on it (did he forge the Charming's insignia or something?!) must have been part of his long term con to get Emma to hate Hook! It all makes perfect sense now.

Pretty sure that's what he said towards the end of the episode. Something along the lines of "She wanted to take away your magic, and my sweet sultry lips seemed the like the perfect plan." Or something.

Like the RAV4's third row "seat"? (2012 and under)

*Insert "Why didn't you Dodge?!" Comment Here*


My mother's sister's cousin makes millions$$$ on the "internet" reporting spam comments on her computer. She's lost her last 15 jobs but still works! Find out more $C@^^.com

Air Conditioned TV?! The future is here everyone!

It's a strange feeling of both disappointment and relief (that you didn't spend your hard earned money). One of my coworkers had the same happen to him when he finally test drove his at-the-time-dream-car Evo X. It turned out he didn't like the interior at all, though he always assured himself he could make due with

It even has a built-in Whack-A-Mole game?! Sold!