+1 bamboozle
+1 bamboozle
certain kinds of lights would be absorbed by darker skin instead of bouncing back to the sensor... i’d assume.
As far as wholesome stories, last night in aspect Legends, I got paired up with a guy who started asking me questions out of nowhere.
That, my friend, is when He carried you.
I felt similar and moved to Pathfinder. It’s a different kind of contributing and it’s also a way more *fun* character than Lifeline. His Ult is mostly just a big convenience when navigating and his zipline is more fun than useful (unless you’re a pro which neither of us probably are) but it’s fun to try support…
It has far and out the best animation it has ever had, with some of the most impressive sakuga put there. Might not be your cup of tea but there’s nothing wrong with it.
In to say this is good before people get mad at you.
God forbid someone has complex feelings about an issue
Titanfall 2 had some really cool character designs. They were unique without trying too hard
The character designs in this game are all really good. Even the token Nathan Drake-esque, devil-may-care white guy is interesting and well-rounded!
I know, right? Hyenas have complex social networks and form long-term bonds with each other!
Part of what’s wonderful about AGDQ and speedrunning in general is that everyone understands that things are often down to chance or exact timing. This makes it even more amazing during the live runs when everything goes well, but people are generally understanding and supportive when things don’t go the runners’ way.
Like most things, fun is subjective. It’s also not everything.
Yeah, I mean: Gita isn’t wrong.
I too enjoy the World of Light mode but I find that after an hour or so of it, I need a break or want to play something else. It is good in small chunks but there isn’t enough going on to keep me engage for hours at a time.
I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
I just use the Switch Pro Controller (with tap jump disabled). I’ve considered getting a Gamecube controller for the different button sizes but frankly I don’t think I’m good enough for that to matter.
While I don’t exactly like that we’re seeing a glut of launchers, now that every distributor with multiple titles wants to have their own launcher, I am very glad that we’re seeing another serious, high-profile challenger to Steam.
It’s interesting to see the amount of friction this store is generating through the community, people are out defending steam as if they had some personal stock that’s being threatened by epic, it’s like they are reasurring themselves more than anything.