
Actually the animation industry cares very much what the artists do outside of their assigned work. I don't work at Pixar but I work at a competing studio, and we're required to get all of our outside projects approved by the legal department before we put them out there. This is so the studio can have "right of first

I'm sorry you felt like you needed to take it back, because I think I understand the sentiment. Jezebel promotes a lot of free and open discussion on the topic of sex, and if you've been traumatized or abused - even if just emotionally like me - this is just not always a good place to hang out. Sometimes the articles

Yes. This. I still have feelings for my ex, and so we are not friends, even though we started that way many years ago and didn't date until recently. Because watching him go on with his life as if I had no effect on him whatsoever is complete torture to me. How can I say I respect myself and then put myself in that

Recently signs appeared in our restrooms at work with step by step instructions on washing your hands. I thought to myself, you wouldn't think people who are smart enough to make computer animated films wouldn't know how to wash their hands already, but okay... then the subject came up at lunch one day, and I found

It amazes me how many rules of etiquette are already in place for weddings. Sometimes I wonder if this stuff isn't just made up on the spot to avoid confrontation. Right after I graduated from college, I was invited to a wedding shower for a sorority sister I thought I was pretty close to. But I couldn't go because I

Completely agree. And frankly, after watching how my aunts dumped all the financial and emotional responsibility for their parents' care on my mother, it will be a blessing to do it alone out of not having a choice, rather than to do it alone because everyone else is too selfish to share the responsibility.

I love how the appearance of the word "photographer" in a comment on an article about Instagram seems to give people the inalienable right to complete and total snobbery about the quality of his work, without even having to see it themselves. Next you'll all be criticizing him for using Photoshop, because everyone can

That was exactly my impression, but I thought it was just my own resurfacing memory of not being able to get a date when I was in graduate school. I was a freckle-faced brunette from the Midwest. The guys I was interested in all went for Asian girls - one of them, a girl I considered a good friend, started dating the

"Feeling judged? I couldn’t care less. You know why? Because my wife and I were judged all throughout our relationship."

I read that somewhere too. Which means no matter what he really meant, he contradicted himself - he said "$200K to $250K and less" - $100K is clearly less than both numbers, so he should have said yes instead of no. Or, got one of his campaign people to answer for him, since he obviously can't do it himself.

I agree. He doesn't communicate well, that's for sure, but it seems obvious to me that he's saying the upper boundary is $200k to $250k - a range. Then "middle" is less than that range. But people will hear what they want to hear, unfortunately.

This is exactly my issue. When I lived in Texas, I rented a three-bedroom house for $1100/mo. I'm making just a little more money in San Francisco three years later where a studio apartment now goes for $2000/mo, and parking is usually about $300/mo on top of that. The cost of living is THE difference between being

Apparently he doesn't know the difference between using another human being to get off and using a piece of plastic.

I am that person too.

What he's saying is, no matter what decision his daughter makes with her own body, no matter what happens to her as a result of vicious attack or personal choice, ultimately, because he is her father, it is ALL ABOUT HIM.

I agree completely. It's all about boundaries, and those of us who want those boundaries should be able to maintain them. If you don't want those same boundaries, then go somewhere with like-minded people and be as free as you want and I will avoid your space. I'm sick and tired of being told not to look when I have

"Feminism transcends the genitals, and minimising it to a genital-based movement is embarrassing. I refuse to be defined by what I find in my pants."

Yes. This. It drives me absolutely mad when people act like they can sleep with a married person and they're doing nothing wrong because "well, it was ok with THEM." Bullshit. If your moral code depends on whether or not you have someone else's permission to act, then you don't have a code at all.

That's actually a really good point. Thanks. For real.

There was a guy I dated for a few weeks in college who I stayed friends with post-breakup. Right after we split, he would pay me a short visit at my apartment on his way home from work a few days a week. He would also spend the last 10 to 15 minutes of that time in my bathroom, then he would be on his way, leaving me