OK, so I'll just go through life keeping all my issues to myself, never seek help or advice, and assume that I'm completely alone in everything. Thanks so much.
OK, so I'll just go through life keeping all my issues to myself, never seek help or advice, and assume that I'm completely alone in everything. Thanks so much.
I didn't say the ad was "all about me." But when you're the only woman in the room when something like this comes on TV, it can make someone like me more than a little self-conscious. It's my problem though, and I own it.
Yes it does. And luckily I'm in San Francisco now, where everything is better. In so many, many ways.
I'm sure you're right about that - I wouldn't be so embarrassed if they were regularly discussed. And none of these issues were ever discussed as I was growing up. I'm not so embarrassed about periods, because everyone knows about that - even though I was almost 12 before I really knew what it was and luckily I hadn't…
I realize this might be a little unpopular, but I'll put this out there on the off chance that I'm not alone... I'm a very shy, private person by nature. I don't see anything wrong with the words used in this ad - in fact, I much prefer this to ads that use euphemisms (like the latest "hail to the V" - really? I want…
You're not alone. I'm a D and wearing a bra keeps me from having to think about my breasts - where they're going in relation to me, and are they going there together, etc. It's far more comfortable if they stay in pretty much one position all day. But I do take it off for sleeping.
It seems like "she's just jealous" is often intended as a self-esteem booster for the victim of hateful behavior, reminding her that she has a lot to be jealous of, so she shouldn't feel bad about what she just encountered. But sometimes, people are just hateful, and there's no real reason for it.
I could not agree with you more. My natural sleep schedule is 5am-1pm and when I get to follow that, it is truly the only time I only need 8 hours of sleep and my waking hours are the most productive of my life. But since society has decided work days start in the morning, and we all need to be here at the same time…
I come from a family of lower-middle class Bible Belt Republicans who donate to charities and regularly volunteer their time to those in need. They would probably tell you that they would rather follow the tenants themselves than have the government follow for them and then take credit for it because they pay their…
It is truly amazing how judgmental high school girls are. I remember in the 10th grade (about 1985) I took a dance class taught by a young woman, probably just out of college. One girl started a rumor that she was so "flexible" because she wasn't a virgin. We all hated her. Then we found out she was married, and…
Cancer isn't the only issue. 9 years ago I had a perfectly normal pap smear as always. One year later my tests revealed "severe cervical dysplasia." I had a procedure to determine the severity, then surgery, then another procedure when they realized they didn't get it all with the surgery, because they were being…
I always thought if I limited myself to what the nutrition labels say is one serving, I could actually lose weight. We could call it The Nutrition Label Diet.