
LuPone also reveals that the only thing Madonna has “ever” said to her was, “I’m taller than you.”

I’ve been a Methodist for my entire life and I stay because people like Bishop Oliveto stay - and as a straight cis-woman, I am constantly working on how to be an ally and be aware of my privilege in spaces that are at times hostile to LGBTQ folks. It’s a big tent denomination - Bishop Oliveto came from a church in


Superb art.

Haha badass!

Buggrit. Dang the twigger f’r’a a bang at the fusel, and shrimp, ‘cos the worm’s on the other boot! See if I don’t. Millenium hand and shrimp, I sez.

The polar opposite extreme would be a group of women doxxing and threatening to rape video game developers for games they didn’t like, not a woman voicing her opinions on a youtube channel.

But we don’t allow that with most other foods with real definitions. When you make a faux product of almost any other types, US labelling laws do require you to be clear about what you are really selling. In fact, you hippie veggie types like to mock it, like when cheese made with oil legally has to be labelled

Um...nope. Crosses were utilized (as per Sennaca the Younger). The primary issue was the availability of the wood. If they were in an area where it was lacking, they would improvise alternative methods. However, Sennaca and other historians absolutely documented the use of wooden crosses in crucifixions. Sorry, slick.

Maybe men just suck at math.

Ugh, this isn’t Bernie kicking off a campaign for 2020, right? He’s too old?

They should film this and show it every Christmas.

Please fuck off.

Men have a weird way of twisting “feminism” to suit their boners.

I had to uninstall Dragon Age. It’s such an incredible, complete and self-contained world that you can just live there forever. I wish I had the talent to write fanfic. Some of it is so well-written, the game designers should be hiring the authors to write the next installment of the game ... Please give us a link to

I tried to star your posting and somehow deleted two of your stars. Sorry.

Wait, is that not how you cure a ...

“your writing is contrived and elementary at best”. Congrats! It is nearly impossible to pull off both those writing styles at once. I can’t wait to read Dwarves in Space.


Sometimes I picture him sadly putting on his little engineer cap as he switches on his electric train set and whispers, “It’s just the two of us again, Mr. Locomotive.”