
Are you stupid or just ill-informed? Many landlords are just people who saved up a little bit and bought a property. If the market tanks and the property loses value, they’ve lost their investment. It happened to a lot of people in 2008. If you have crappy renters that trash your place, the deposit hardly ever covers

I had to come back to my desk and ask this... if being a landlord is wrong, and land lords shouldn’t exist... then who is going to pay for homes? Are we saying that we should only have single family homes. if not if we are OK with apartment buildings then who is going to pay for and build those apartment buildings? I

Wow, this Is stupid. So If people shouldn’t own land or buildings, what should they do? Rent forever (thereby supporting the evil villains who own the property) or just squat eternally in whatever random house they can find? How secure! Let me just roll my eyes forever at this white nonsense.

This is why I wish sex work and sex workers weren’t so stigmatized. I’ve long thought sex work needs to be legal, regulated, unionized, and taxed.

Remove Leia from the movie and Han’s not even on Hoth, because he stuck around for Leia you idiot.

Said the straight person who grew up watching/reading straight characters.

Find yourself a seat and take it.

In no way has Gillibrand ever said it has to be “top down” only. This entire article makes it seem that she ONLY believes in that type of reform, which is inaccurate.


I mean, you insert yourself into every comment section so do you really not get the impulse?

Guys, we’ve found an incel pretending to be a chad.

I never said put them in feel-good circumstances. I never said that writers should avoid conflict for their characters. The fact that creators can no longer distinguish between brokenness as a character trait and character-driven conflict is giving us a lot of shitty entertainment right now.

There are two types of

He’s a famous writer who wrote a bad script. People are going to talk about that, especially to contrast it with the good script which was actually produced.

And probably the kids who grew up with the ST will have fond memories of those movies twenty years from now.

Not necessarily rich, but “two-thirds of Trump’s supporters had household incomes above the national median of about $50,000.”

Look, I know we all aren’t supposed to like Taylor Swift or whatever, but making jokes about men doing incredibly creepy things to terrorize her seems a little...much?

They consented.

Are the real monsters people who dismiss women’s experiences and make apologies for rapists and sexual assaulters?

So...experimenting on lab animals is just as inhumane as experimenting on Black women? Seems like you should be the one to fuck off.

Ooo good luck! How have sales been so far?