
Generally speaking, people who didn’t like the rape scene also didn’t like the season 3 Theon plot, including the castration.


Yeah, it’s terrible that little girls have something to cosplay as.... /s

Black labs will always get a star from me.

I had planned to post my water glass analogy here but you know what? This article will be cross-posted to Gizmodo and then all of the alt-right arses and trolls who frequent that blog will come flooding in here talking about how diversity is ruining their favorite franchises by making them think of anyone who is not a

Wait are you saying it’s *more* plausible that 7+ women were found and paid by the Clinton campaign to accuse Trump? In like, 4 days since he was on tape saying he sexually assaults women? And that the picked a People magazine reporter from 10 years ago and her editor? That they found a passenger on a flight he was

A link must be posted when you’re done! On this very thread if necessary so it’s not missed.

That just sounds so delightfully weird. And that’s one of my things! :)

Okay, wow. That’s a plot! I’m intrigued.

Hat’s off to 92k, I’ve never done that in a month, even my best month was still 20k short of that.

Dude. Did you do 92k words in one month?!

You can see him struggling with the attempt to say something profound. It’s like watching a puppy that’s seeing itself for the first time in a mirror.

Instead, how about they do a remake of Cruel Intentions but set it among the bourgeoisie of Louis XVI's France.

Cool story, bro.

You essentially have my dog, although mine is a slight mix so he’s very sleek, but he must be taller than yours because mine weighs 75 pounds and may still be growing. (Did I just type that? God, what was I thinking. Seventy-five pounds with more to come…)

You are a shit because you are saying, “Don’t like it? Don’t change it, don’t talk about it, don’t do anything. Just GTFO.”

So first, you know as well as I do that Eve Ensler did not contribute to this script. Three men are credited. Eve Ensler visited the set for a week during production. You know that.

Guess again - and maybe you should define “obesity” first. Just speaking historically, there’s a reason why “Rubenesque proportions” is code for “fat women.” And fatness, even to obesity, has historically often been the norm for both genders, not just women. Fat was associated with sated desires, with consummated