
Health is not a prerequisite for loving yourself or for deserving respect. That’s extremely ableist. Just stop making excuses for your shitty opinion and just own that you don’t like looking at fat people. It will make it easier for everyone.

Guy sounds like a drama queen. Ignore him like Mariah Carey ignores J.Lo.

Discworld but in space

That is not cool. Why did he feel the need to call out your novel like that? Is he threaten by you?

If women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

Allow themselves?

No, that’s not an honest question. That’s a dishonest question, and one that has been asked and answered many, many times before, including on this very site:

Congratulations! I need to check it out! I also love Feministkittenjoy’s name. Here’s to all of us:

That sounds amazing! Congrats on your book.

purchased. excited. boom.

Congratulations on your book! That’s awesome. Oh, and love your username.


I wish just once I could get out of the greys, cause goodness, do I have a story.

Hate to burst your bubble, but this woman was married 6 times, had a drug problem, got arrested several times for shop-lifting, became neurotic and turned to plastic surgery to preserve her looks and ended up looking disfigured. I know, I know, it's still a shame that they don't make women like that anymore.

I so love that this thread became a Bioware fan tangent. It's, legit, probably the best thing that's happened all day.

I'm guessing the MRA trolls will swoop down into the comments and not read any of this article at all.

This might become my go to response to anyone who says the "bleed and doesn't die in front of me."

They need to be told they're fat but they better not be all whiny about it. I mean, aren't fat people supposed to be jolly?

"It's been done." - Alexander Pope