
Yup. The ways of Amazon are strange. I have no idea how their algorithms work for anything.

Not bad. I’ve had lots of awesome people give me a helping hand here and there. It’s my first foray into romance novel land after fantasy and sci-fi so I’m learning as I go.

Ooh, I love the Christmas one you did.

I would also accept Sara gets everyone’s powers so the rest have to cheer her on to kick all the ass.

They should do an “everyone switches powers” episode where all the nonpowered people start shouting at those with them for never ever using them.

I expect Wally to spend half his time leaning on a wall eating candy bars while the legends argue. Sighs. Runs off to fix their stupid problem, then returns to keep snacking.

Hey Nate, remember how you used to have deadly hemophilia? No. Don’t worry, the writers forgot too since you never ever act like it.

Nate is pretty much pointless. His powers rarely work. He’s a historian on a ship with Gideon. All they can do with him is make him “THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON EVER!” for the actual useful totem bearer. I care more about the love Mick had for Axl.

You will care about Nate and Amya no matter how many times we have to beat you over the head with a couple with less chemistry than two barbies smashed together.

It’s not what you know but who you know. Nepotism rules all aspects of this world. Meritocracy is the biggest lie of them all.

Hey girls, god only put you on this earth to comfort men no matter how fucking stupid or dangerous they are. Thanks ever so much for coddling me while I talk down to you. It’s the only point of women existing. Tee hee.

He wasn’t in the animated universe because DC/WB in its true idiotic fashion didn’t want them to have Aquaman because they thought they’d use him elsewhere. Instead, Aquaman just sat in Doctor Fate’s parlor playing chess with Amazo.

A drunk monkey with a nail through its skull must be running the Netflix movie department. I think they got it off WB/DC after their restructuring post-Justice League.

They can never ever admit men are at fault for anything, so they all default to “It’s those sluts faults. If they just kept their legs crossed men wouldn’t rape, harass, and kill women.” It’s impossible for them to see the common denominator in those situations.

Yeah, no touching the classic with Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor!

Her and Obi-Wan have to team up at the behest of Hondo and somehow run into Cade Bane. Print money Disney. Not that they need anymore.



Not sure if it counts as a craft, but I released my first ever romance book on Amazon. If you want a heroine who’s a secret agent that kicks all the ass and a sweet, sometimes uncertain hero.

I wish Hondo was in his own movie.