
I guess celeb PR firms have to work over the weekend now.

I did a couple wood burnings on smaller samples of animals for a friend.

You get the same thing by dumping a bunch of M&Ms into a bag of hot popcorn.

I’d take a helicopter ride with Bannon, Priebus, and Miller as long as it lands with only me left inside.

So Timberlake swearing he won’t use a hologram of Prince was just the same as “I swear I didn’t plan to rip her clothes off.”

“Environmentally controlled buildings”

Because Jezebel is the big scary lady-bogeyman the nerdy boys decry when they have nothing of substance to add.

He was only mostly dead.

She can be Star Wars’ Worf.

What’s next, Casablanca?

Today I made a burning of a friend’s drawing of Cullen snuggling Dorian. I just have to stain it then mail it to her.

It’s not as if one needs to be coherent in order to be a paid writer. Purple monkey dishwasher.

Don’t worry, Sony has plans to run Uncharted into the ground. First step cast Tom Holland who looks and sounds nothing like Nate Drake. Second step make it a prequel while insisting we’ve never seen Drake’s past at all (shoves Sully, the orphanage, and Sam into the background).

Someone better invent a time machine and tell Alexandre Dumas not to include a Mercedes in Count of Monte Cristo because it’s the name of a brand for an invention he’s never seen before.

Jezebel, always trying to be the cool girl who the boys will like.

Any man who writes 2000+ words to defend something illegal has partaken and will continue to partake of it. They just need to convince the rest of the world that they’re not horrible monsters and try to do it by drowning us in words.

So many men rushing in to scream that they’re not mind readers as if that’s some defense.

Amazing how you cut the “verbal” part out of that quote. So are men both incapable of reading crystal clear body language and all deaf as well now?

Mine’s stumbling learning compared to what’s out there. It’s amazing what can be done with a little fire.

Yuuup! He’s one of my favorites, so I write lots of fanfic with him and the mage Warden.