
3-4 hours, though there was some sanding in between whenever I’d mess something up.

Close. It’s Cullen. There were a lot of blonde, brown eyed men in that series.

I decided to get into burning wood over the christmas break because fire. Nothing can keep me away from fire.

It really wanted me to sign up for a survey on postpartum depression while I was also supposed to be finding preschools.

When I was doing research for a book, I went from birth of a baby to 4 months development to half a year in the span of two weeks. My facebook ads went a little bit nuts.

I got a random mailer from Pampers welcoming me to motherhood. Seeing as my womb is happily vacant and husband just got snipped I have no damn idea what they’re thinking. Is there some “Oh shit, she’s about to hit 35 and hasn’t bred. Quick, drown her in baby paraphernalia” order in the US now?

You’re not alone. My husband has read the comics, I haven’t but we’re both bored as snot. The characters are all bland and nothing changes. At the end of each episode things seem to reset to zero. I don’t care if anything bad happens to any of the beige characters, not that anything will since all the tension vanishes

If there was a god, it would end in a climax where every single character dies in an epic battle that isn’t a fake out.

I assumed she’s pregnant because in the third Twilight book, Bella was pregnant. Since EL James can’t create her own plot upon pain of death, her Bella stand-in is knocked up too.

Not so much my craft (well kinda) but I got sent these two watercolor drawings of characters in my story for Christmas. Completely unexpected and awesome present.

White guys get 10 redos to everyone else’s none. A white guy has to screw up and lose people money 10 times in a row before someone somewhere maybe thinks about firing them. But only if they’re not like cool, drinking buddies. Then they can do whatever they want.

The head of Larry King needs feeding.

After the shit Reed Richard’s pulled, I heartily endorse President Doom’s “Destroy Mr Fantastic” bill.

Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.

I’d assume they mean that their tests can 100% of the time test for hCG, aka their ELIZA test doesn’t fail or pick up another enzyme. Hence why they say in the lab. Outside of the laboratory where they use known quantities there’s no way it’d be 100%.

Husband and I stayed home again this year. It’s a much calmer thanksgiving but we got bored with just us and the dog, so I put up the mantle for Christmas. Tiny santa hats for all the skeleton bats.

It seems like they didn’t give a shit about it at all this year.

I’d bet money he’s afraid of women doing that because he’s done it to women, often. Harassers are the kings of projection.

I’m damn certain that’s his kink. He loves to piss off feminists while whacking off. He’s playing willfully obtuse to get more comments to ‘explain shit’ so he can get his jollies off.

Unpopular Opinion, Portman brings down every movie she’s in because she always has this “I’m so above this thing I agreed to be in” feel.