
And the cover was copied from someone else’s painting. Because of course it was.

Someone loves this thing so much she stood at the top of the stairs and glared until I put it back on her. Now she’s sleeping beside me on the couch. Gonna be a long slog to Halloween I see.

We never planned to wind up with a closet full of dog clothes. The first sweater was this ugly lime green thing left over from christmas. Put it on her as a laugh, but when I went to take it off she’d doge and weave so I couldn’t. Now there are tons. She’s hard on them being a lab and all, but loves the damn things.

The dog clothing sizing is so awful. My dog is pretty tiny for a lab, but she runs from a L to a XXL. Sometimes big dogs want to wear comfy sweaters too, stupid clothing industry.

They are such goofballs. We got one of the high energy ones. I wish they made dog cartoons because without fail every weekend morning she is raring to go when the sun dawns.

She’s weird and loves wearing clothes. Can’t wait for summer to go away so she can go back to wearing her comfy sweaters all the time.

My dog really likes dressing like food she’s not allowed to eat.

We found the Halloween costume for my dog to wear this year. She’s gonna be sushi!

You mean the by-the-book do whatever is necessary character suddenly stopping from saving George Washington in order to bang bland, no chemistry, came from nowhere Steel Boy wasn’t the most romantic scene to rival the great works of Shakespeare himself?

I’m concerned because the whole point of the portrait and Dorian is that he can get away with monstrous things because he stays young and innocent looking. People excuse it and turn from the obvious because of it. Turning that into a woman seems like it’d feed all the MRA, redpill bullshit about how women are just as

Wattpad with Hulu had a contest to write a short story for The Handmaids Tale to coincide with the season finale. On Friday I learned that I and another 9 writers were hand picked by Margret Atwood as the winners!

You better make sure at least half that cake is male. No, wait, 75% otherwise guys will just think it’s some stupid girly cake and no one will want it. We’re not financing it, or advertising for it. Then when it fails, it’s all your girly cake fault. Back to nothing but man cake!

The best part of the “If you don’t like it, go make your own” is that men are the gatekeepers who then decide that all media is white male driven. That way they can have their cake, eat it too, then whine about how women don’t try enough to get their own damn cake.

I got the coolest birthday present yesterday. Someone turned the opening scene of my story into a comic! The entire five panels are here.

Funny how the dude gets schooled on the stats but has no response. Guys sure do love to set rules for things they know shit all about that will never affect them.

And there’s no way WB blew as much money advertising WW as they did for BvS or even Suicide Squad. BvS was everywhere for months before it came out, WW was kept super low key until the final push. It was almost as if they really didn’t want the chick movie to outperform their bro ones.

“I never committed domestic abuse...well except for that one time I punched a bitch in the mouth but she really had it coming. Women, right? They just need a good pounding every once in awhile.”

Put them in the cornfield is probably the kill order from Russia.

I made a gif version of that with Trump. It’s sad how few people get the reference anymore. The classics are dying!

I’m not victim blaming cries the parrot that can only repeat the blame it splatters all over victims. Why weren’t you perfect, victim? Why didn’t you do everything right, victim? Be the right kind of victim which doesn’t exist or else it’s all your fault.