
I kept thinking this was so far from unprovoked that dog could do that to a kid. Wouldn’t take more than a minute for the bastard to jump across the road and seriously hurt one. And then that asshole wrote us this long weepy letter about how his dog was intact blah blah, a bunch of whining.

My dog got attacked by this asshole’s dog who bolted through their front door and ran across the street. Bit her right in the ass. He was all blubbers and tears while I tried to stop my dog’s blood. I reported the bite to Animal Control and despite my dog freaking out when we come across any dog off a leash she’s

I had a fan send me a picture to go with my story and it’s so damn adorably perfect I want to tattoo it on the inside of my eyelids.

As someone living in Nebraska who’s in a Halloween club, Sasse is full of shit. Surprise surprise.

I’m not 100% on who did it, but I wonder if the ruse wasn’t planted by Pink Diamond being cracked. She asks Rose to parley and heal her, which the rebel leader agrees to. As she’s getting close, that’s when the murderer strikes, shattering Pink Diamond and it’s assumed by all to be Rose.

Like every damn profession since humanity crawled out of the primordial goo. Women become proficient at something men ignore, suddenly the men realize there’s money to be made and they ban women from it. In a generation, society’s decided women who were just doing that thing are physically or mentally incapable of

Thea, remember how he was like your second dad until, you know, you found out you had a second dad?

I’ve been writing a story that I share early with a few people partly to beta and mostly because I’m terrible at waiting. Anyway, one of them just sent me a drawing of an upcoming scene and it’s so damn adorable I can’t stop squeeing at it.

That mike can be remotely detonated.

I’m hoping he was faking it the whole time. Blaine is the Lex Luthor of zombies.

Here lady I just met, let me tell you all my sexual fantasies. You have to listen to them and find it charming or else I’ll pout like the giant toddler I am!

Men think they’re the charming hero in their story instead of a creepy douchebag who’s freaking out the poor girl they’ve pinned up against a wall. And nothing can convince them of the truth.

Men are notoriously delusional for assuming all women everywhere are just waiting to bone them. She looked in my general direction, she thinks I’m a total stud even if I’ve got a good 20 years on her. It made me think of that hot coffee facebook post that drifted around twitter a week ago.

Knowing Flemeth, she’d wash her clothes in the blood of men that pissed her off.

I finally finished coloring Flemeth, proof that Janeway is the best Captain because she can turn into a dragon.


I’m cutting-my-own throat here.

What duck?

I swear they can sense when anyone complains about whitewashing and crawl out of the woodwork to feast upon the trolling. It really pisses them off to call Iron Fist boring. It’s amazing how up in arms men get over it. Before the doldrums that was Danny Rand, I used to point out how dull Hal Jordan was and you’d think