
It’s also rated R. They’d rather just plop it in a dead time and see what happens than try to run up against any big hitters.

I had some little snot shits steal a christmas ball that projected stars I had dangling over the garage over the weekend, so I decided the wrap one of my many leftover skulls in red lights and put it out instead. The perks of being far more into halloween than christmas.

The first Dwarves in Space is already out, and it’s only $0.99 for today and tomorrow. Now that I finished this one I can go back and get two ready for publishing. There’s a kitsune in the second one and a drug called Unicorn that makes people shit rainbows.

Thanks. It’s part of my Dwarves in Space series where I take classic fantasy species and smash them together with sci-fi tropes. It’s double the satire options.

I wouldn’t recommend it. My back’s pissed as hell and I think my fingers are plotting revenge. I keep finding closed tabs looking for an assassin that’ll cyrogenically freeze hands.

Actually, I did about 115K words in a month because I was working on a shorter story at the same time. This is my 10th or so time doing NaNo or Camp so I’ve gotten good at it.

I just put down the last period. 92K or so words and I’m finished. It’s a sort of New Adult story about a 20 something microbiologist that gets attacked on an ogre planet and is rescued by a female orc. They’re stuck together racing through the galaxy against people trying to steal her research and/or kill her.

Congrats! I just hit the climax in mine, maybe another 5K words to go then freedom! This is my 10th novel, so it feels a bit old hat but I still want to celebrate, this year with getting to play Fallout 4.

While waiting for a pre-wedding meeting with the pastor to go over our compatibility test everyone had to take, my husband and I got into who would play as who in the first Lego Batman game. I agreed to be Robin because I got to be Indy before. Compromise is the key to every successful co-op.

Yeah, pretty much. They’re kept around to do a transfusion. They don’t just draw and store it but knock both animals out and run the blood from one to another.

I was never around when the cat was needed, but I did help with the blood dog doing a transfusion once. It was not a happy ending, but the dog was a sweetie pie.

I used to work in a vet clinic in high school. The front was the offices and was closed off by two doors. On a dark Saturday afternoon when the office was closed, two of use would come in to walk all the dogs and feed them. I came in early to start vacuuming and organizing the front alone. Most vet clinics have a cat

Oh Ianto...Damn you Davies, you heartless monster! Don’t know if you’re a gamer, but Ianto’s actor voiced a character in Dragon Age: Inquisition and there’s a level when you have to fight of a giant demon. I about had a heart attack when the demon had the same voice as 456. No, you can’t kill him again!

Once, when I was really out of it thanks to cold medicine, I ordered a tortialla soup and asked for a bowl. It took a moment, but I realized I meant to ask for a bread bowl. Then I made fun of myself by saying, “No, I don’t want soup in a bowl, just ladle it into my hands. It’ll be fine.”

She was the runt of the litter and stayed tiny but muscular. Despite being six years old people still think she’s a puppy. The fact she LOVES everyone she meets doesn’t help that situation.

Mine is the same, though she’s a 60lb black lab so finding clothes that fit her is a challenge. But the second I bring something new home she HAS to wear it. Bugs me, won’t let me sit down until I take off the tags and put it on. Nut ball.

My husband had the idea for a sapphire a good, shit, has it been eight years? I fail at anniversary stuff. The jeweler was ecstatic to do something that wasn’t a diamond.

Huckabee is that person your mother makes you invite to things who covers all your shit in sticky handprints and blames you for it.

Our big Nebraskan secrets are Runza, Dorthy Lynch, and eating chili with cinnamon rolls.

I live in Lincoln and am one of those weird liberal Nebraskans that the coast assumes must not exist. Thanks to the university there are lots of culture oasis people wouldn’t expect, but Lincoln’s big enough it doesn’t feel like a college town. Haymarket’s the fancier hipster area with a farmer’s market every weekend