
Thanks. I just realized Netflix put Twilight up so I’m firing up the old Rifftrax. Way better than getting into a fight over what’s sciency enough for scifi. Line?

I have no idea. He put on a martyr complex of “if I didn’t approve of him borrowing the sci-fi fantasy idea then he’d delete it off his computer.” Please. There are no new ideas under the sun. Mine’s pretty much Discworld but in space.

I’m a member of a smaller writing forum and this morning someone posted his novel asking for a critique. Okay, fine. But he had to follow it up with “Well, I know IntrovertedWife has already written a fantasy and sci-fi smashed together novel, but mine’s more scientific.”

The minions are like cilantro, either you love them or hate them. There’s probably a gene people have that makes them taste like soap too.

A fourteen year old has to hang out with her two dads during a costume party.

I know, right! Now people are asking when I’m going to come out with the new ones each year.

I had Neil Gaiman not only respond to some posters I made for All Hallows Read but he wanted to host them on the official site. He’s always encouraging and retweeting them. I still pass out when I think about it.

What duck? Millennium hand and shrimp.

Not mine, but I made a Cthulhu pair for friends of mine that were getting married.

Men are just hardwired to be better at birthing babies than women. It’s science.

Loose cannons, all of them!

I've got diamond nails too. I have to soak them in water before clipping them otherwise it's impossible to get through. I've ranked nail clippers on strength and had some that refused to do the job even on wet nails.


Introverts Unite, but not together. Maybe in the same room, if we don’t have to talk.

Thanks! I want to run around in the grass celebrating then I remember it’s still raining and filling with mosquito larva.

Thanks so much! Hope you like it and it tickles something. That’s the latest option in Kindle feather I think.

I’m exhausted after a week of finishing author interviews and panicking over my book release. A few months back I sent out review requests, then it hits me, “Oh crap, that means I’ll actually get reviews.” So far it’s been a pretty good reception but that other shoe always dangles on the periphery.

Oh there were tons of neggings just to make me self conscious about anything to make her feel better. Body size, hair, teeth size, singing ability. You name it, she’d pick it to death.