
I suspect in time that will be my sister. She’s been claiming she has cancer on and off for years. Luckily, she never fully commits and is too vain to ever shave her hair off. But she’s been making shit up for attention as long as I can remember. My parents never believed me, even now my Mom will still fall for it.


Ocelot prints look like cat foot prints only bigger and more awesome!

His name should be Buyer's Remorse!

For whatever crazy enzyme reason chipotle is the worse. I figure in a few years if I just go into a Chipotle I'll fall down dead. Then I'll be stuck working the McDonalds in hell or something.

It's been getting worse too, stupid dramatic immune system. I so look forward to the day when someone hides peppers in food to prove I'm wrong.

I have a pepper allergy. Like the kind that put me in the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack or stroke one. It popped up out of nowhere, but whenever I tell people I get the eyeroll and the assumption I can't take the heat.

In college, my best friend got this idea to sand down and polish up a nut for her boyfriend to make a ring. She wanted it engraved. Every low end jewelry store in the mall refused to talk to her, wouldn't give her the time of day. So she visits a local high end one and not only do they engrave it, they give her a box

This has been another frog fact.

I swear, that man must live in a recording studio and have some deal with Satan that if there is a wolverine anywhere he will voice it.

I did the sneaky getting a bridesmaid dress in white approach. I was not exctied about the wedding dress shopping and lucked out as I found one early on, so I could humor my mother, trying on frouffy things I'd never where while my friends looked for dresses of their own. I was so laid back about it a few places

While watching the 70's movie of Jesus Christ Superstar I gave my friend so much crap for being hot for Jesus, but I was honestly way more attracted to Judas. Don't go trusting me when 30 pieces of silver are involved.

Common sense, facts, and gamergaters don't really go hand in hand.

It's like pennies to make someone happy. I think I can handle that.

I'm huge into Halloween. My avatar is a halloween prop. And I don't care where a kid comes from, if they're 8 or 18, even if they have a costume or not, if you came out, you can have some candy. The whole deal was to bribe people to keep them from vandalizing your stuff anyway. If a teenager is willing to forgo the

This is my squirt and her first time with a pumpkin. She's bigger now, but still gnaws off the stems.

Say what you want about the grizzled old guy, he does a mean load of laundry.

That whole bit about finding a treasure map tattooed on a skull/breaking into prison was a big plot point in Yellow Beard. Probably not a good sign when your serious pirate movie is using the same ideas a spoof movie did.

Are they getting louder or dumber?