

My parents dogs had a litter that all died. They took the mother to vet three times, each time the vet refused to induce. When they finally did most were dead, and we almost lost the mother. Only one puppy wasn't green and dead, though she was rejected by the mom and didn't last the night. Birth, whether in dogs or

That's hilarious seeing as how The Three Musketeers was written by a black guy.

When you see people using a computer in shows/movies they're typing "rhubarb" over and over.

My husband once saved over my level 12 Oblivion character. It's one of the greatest challenges our marriage has ever faced.

Women aren't allowed to think they're beautiful because it's like a car knowing it's expensive. Totally ruins the great deal.

People like to turn others into caricatures, make the world more black and white, so it's much easier to jam everything into their ideals. I've decided you're bad so everything you do must be bad. It's the villain versus the hero mentality. The hero is always good, the villain is always evil. End of Story.

People prefer to think genre is just fluff, unlike all those literary novels about the important 20 somethings living in Brooklyn being dicks to each other. That's true literature there.

It was also a plotline from a very famous Twilight Zone episode. Or does sci-fi also count like YA fiction as stupid shit no one cares about and isn't SuuuperSeeriousImportant?

Subway, the restaurant you don't go to, you wind up there when no one can make up their mind what to eat.

Soon as it started up I figured it was digital projection. Now, if they could get some AtmosFear or Hallowindow onto a cake I'd be all for it. Blood dripping down white fondant would be great. Ooh, or bats springing forth.

I've got a shot story anthology dropping on Thursday. It isn't just a dark turn and modernization of the fairy tales. It gives power back to the powerless in the classic stories. Women are no longer the victims and their story doesn't end with true love's kiss.

Gah! The obvious makeup line there is driving my eyeballs nuts. It's like she chopped some skin off her forehead and dropped it onto her chest to cover the prosthesis.

Once, while in the middle of licking herself, my dog farted on her own head. She jumped up and ran out of the room with a "What the hell was that!" look on her face.

Self publishing companies are the worst. Their customers are authors not readers and they know it. PublishAmerica is notoriously evil.

As I suspected, FriesenPress is a self publishing company. Suing Disney is one of the new dynamic ways to get the word out about your self published book.

Babies belong on the floor and if someone stands in the way, throw a fit, then piss down your leg. It's the Sims way!

Sims, the bastion of good parenting.

And he was in To Serve Man. It's a cookbook people, a cookbook.

I was a JetCer back in the day too. I introduced my husband to Voyager recently and I feel vindicated to see those two did have chemistry and I wasn't just imagining it as a kid.