
I thought it was just his singing voice was Donny Osmond.

I was walking my dog in the middle of the afternoon. It was a surprisingly warm day for spring so I noticed an old lady wearing a heavy red coat walking down the end of the path of the park and wondered how she wasn't baking.

Am, am I going mad or are there straight lines in the letters? Is this one of those Emperor's New Clothes things?

My rule is to never interact with a guy who calls women "females." It has served me well.

This one killed me perhaps the most from the cheery lobotomized mom brigade

I used to be so damn certain I couldn't play FPS. Most of it being that old canard that even if a girl does game, girl's still can't do FPS I fear.

Come on, how many nerds were really excited about the Supes/Bats movie anyway?

Like that stupid Bee movie where they made all the worker drones male despite them being female in real life.

Hope I'm not being super annoying, but I wrote a fantasy novel where I set out with a woman and man hating each other and they were to keep despising each other until the last period. Then I made fun of elves and other classic fantasy tropes to pad some pages but mostly I wanted to pick at that stupid romcom trope.

I saw Gaiman say something about how he didn't feel that the follow up to Smith should be a woman because the doctor needed to be hard, strong and dangerous.

Guys laughing at teenage girls upset at an old Doctor crack me up, as if guys don't rate the hotness of every single female companion.

Picked up Bioshock Infinite after talking my husband into it. I hated Ryan in the original and all, but I really want to kill every racist bastard in the clouds.

Only undead hoodlums go out at night dressed in capes!

Sometimes I wish I could get my hands on some fetus dolls so I could turn them into little zombies or vampires or werewolves. Vampire abortion is wrong, choose to gnaw your way through the uterus!

I liberated France while you were dancing.

People, it's so obvious royal births destroy porn! No wonder the Victorian Era was so fucked up, didn't she pop out like 20 kids?

Actually there are lots of latinos out in Bumblefuck Nebraska.

My results came back AWOL.

Now it's late and you head downstairs
'Cause you just can't sleep so you make some tea
And the doll disapprovingly asks if you really need that much honey
You decide that you've had enough
And you lock the doll in the wooden box
You put the box in the fireplace next to your bag of big city money

I've already started my script for the next big fish in storm movie: Tunami!