
Where are the officer’s details? There’s certainly enough information, even a picture in this article about Mr. Garrison. Let’s get the name of the officer in question, so that he can be properly educated on the differences between wild edibles and illegal drugs.

I’m not a millennial and I do not like Chick-fil-a. The oil they use leaves a residue in my mouth and also acts as a ferocious laxative.

It’s less that they didn’t want it and more that they said it’d be there and wasn’t.

You’re assuming a lot. For instance, that this update will actually happen.

I play solo almost exclusively. If you’re willing to take the time, it’s just as easy to make the lives of would be trolls as miserable as they made yours. For me, it’s almost as fun as finding a sunken ship.

I agree with you, for the most part, but I also don’t want to hear pissing and moaning about “white washing” when it comes to cosplay and fan art. It’s an absurd, idiotic ploy to drum up attention.

We have a really impressive “Asian market” nearby and they have an equally impressive selection of ramen. I didn’t know Ichiran had it’s own variety, so I will have to see if they carry it next time I get out there.

There’s gotta be a better game than Overwatch to use something this nice for.

I dream of a world in which bullshit just gets zero response and, like schoolyard bullies, the whiny, insecure toads doing the complaining eventually just get bored and slip back into obscurity.

I needed that laugh today. That made my sides hurt.

Sorry, but I don’t see a dog in that creature. You would think someone who was shopping for a specific breed of animal would be discerning enough to tell they’re buying a fox.

The biggest surprise out of this whole article is that there are people who actually give a crap..

If only his pontificating were so innocent. At one point, even his co-host makes the joke that David claims every dish began in Asia.

Don’t ever eat anything from Long John Silver’s. Please.

Go home, David.


I’m alright with this.

We’ll have to agree to disagree. If it were actually about the food, instead of how great David Chang thinks he is, it might have some redeemable quality. As it is, I find it unwatchable.

He’s a pompous ass that fell ass backwards into pseudo-fame and now fancies himself an Anthony Bourdain clone. His Netflix series, “Ugly Delicious” is another awful, “edgy” chef show where he makes claims that every dish in culinary history is basically an Asian rip off.