
Little old dude looks like Mac from Mac and Me.

Azrael maybe or the far, upper-left?

My initial thought when I looked at the lowest-left silhouette was The Crow.

Did he immediately drive it off a cliff to test the frame?

EQUALITY FOR FICTIONAL SHARK-WOMEN NOW! Or better known as EFFSWN! I’m starting a non-profit.

Am I the only one impressed by the response of the individuals who ran over to check the vehicle for passengers and their willingness to come to the rescue?

I think it’s great that they’re still putting out updates to this game. If it were any other game, these additions would be amazing steps toward creating a massive in-game galaxy with an immersive playing experience.

The short answer is “Fuck no! Never!” This is akin to abuse, in my mind.


Yeah, sure. Go ahead. It’s all fine and dandy, if you want to, literally, sound like an asshole.

Whatever you do, don’t, I repeat, do not flip them the bird and then try to play it off like you knew who they were all along.

Yeah, fuck that dude. He looks like a total gomer, too.

No reason to waste any time. Just start spouting bullshit right out of the gate.

Killed it.

I curse the day a blobfish took the innocence of a sand toad and gave us this walking abomination.

It occurs to me that there was an old episode of Mythbusters (I know, ok?) where they tested the development of fecal coliforms on toothbrushes kept in a bathroom with a toilet. While, of course, the toothbrushes in the bathroom developed coliforms, they were also discovered on the control group toothbrushes as well.

The possibilities of what may or may not be in American fast food soft drinks is far, far worse.

That sure was a video.

Who knew The Ocho had such prude standards.

Yes, two terrible people use terrible words to try and provoke one another. What a news day!