
Anything left in that can for me?

You magnificent bastard.

Shouldn’t anyone who uses Instagram be an object ripe for mockery?

Damn it, I want to be able to play this on Switch. It seems like it would be such a perfect fit.

That would be one hell of a ticket.

This seems like an ideal gameplay change for Switch. Odd that they wouldn’t release it for that console.

Exactly this.

Is that a Luck Dragon?

They couldn’t have made him leaned forward, like the sketch? Put the outlet in his back?

I think the rest is just implied, at that point.

This is a great read and perfect for something that transpired over the weekend in my life as a dumb ass idiot.

Trump’s mouth looks like a prolapsed anus.


I’ve never been a big fan of console ports of any kind. The quality is just so rarely ever on par. My incredulity here comes from the thought that Take Two is looking for a cash grab from a “turnkey” PC title like KSP.

This is also accurate!

I’m sure that was the proposal, yes. Historically, though, just because a larger house picks up a title doesn’t mean they get the full support they require/deserve.

Well, that’s unfortunate.

Good luck explaining this to my neighborhood of retirees that mow and edge weekly, depending on rainfall. Fortunately, I stay fairly regular with the lawn maintenance, so I haven’t been one of the whippersnappers that’s had to deal with eye sore complaints to the city.

YES! I saw this exact thing and thought about grabbing a screenshot. Thanks.

She could just settle out of court and be done with it. Something tells me the limelight is enticing.