
Thanks for sharing your story and of course my condolences that our country somehow took a falling-apart health insurance system and strangely made it worse.

You are giving off a strong vibe of a person who basically got fairly innocently called out for not understanding a joke and now you are doubling down and getting a bit defensive about it. You claim to know these writers really well, but idk.

Your point is a good one, but Drew’s whole schtick always is a humorous take on how he’s just a self-deprecating mediocre dude with dad jokes who likes to cook and watch sports and argue about hypothetical things. This was 100% in line with his usual content, but as per Emma’s challenge to these guys, he focused on a

I read another post of yours where you write that it is important to stop drinking heavily in your 20's. I am 32, almost 33 and this really feels like a critical juncture in my life. I either have to choose happiness or misery. This is the age where a person can no longer just blindly hope that shit is going to work

hey, if your life is manageable and you’re happy, that’s great. we can have a whole debate on what sobriety is, but you have to do whats best for you.

You are so not alone. You can dot this.

3/4/2017 Not sure what I am doing yet, but change must happen.

3/7/2017, 5am’ish.

I cleared a million in medical bills at 18 with no insurance. My employer put me on the insurance as soon as humanly possible and later my attorney negotiated down those costs. But being 18 and getting a bill that is the size of a text book for a million dollars? I almost passed out. I wish I had saved it. My way to

For a while I thought that Karathrace had a point and that you really were just supporting me as a business tactic, maybe to drum up some clients.

Chance is the only fucking major figure who cares about CPS and it is disgusting.

Um, no. The first rule of journalism - okay, the second after getting it right - is to own the shit you publish. That’s the nature of public discourse. The student thought the campus paper was a place to play as a snowflake. If anything, he wanted his public accolades and to eat his cake too - and he got schooled.

You seem so lovely - are you on any other social medias? I’d love to follow you if you regularly talk about this kind of stuff.

I remember going to SXSW when it was an industry conference for entertainers with a few showcases each night. When panels were on things like publishing rights in the digital era and not Rhonda Rousey.

I remember going to SXSW when music was the focus and not a big technology circle jerk.

Are you literally more mad at Jalopnik than the president who got that veteran killed?

I’ve said from the start and maintain that if she had been on that stage none of this would have happened. Is she a crazy person? Yes. But she would have shut it all down.

Mel Gibson’s father is famously racist. But he did more the Gibson family to Australia in 1968 to end the oldest son’s risk of getting drafted during the Vietnam War. (Australia was also drafting men for Vietnam, but maybe immigrants were exempt?) So, I guess the Gibson dad wasn’t a super rah rah violent war mongering

But..this isn’t a game for her and she doesn’t want to “play” with you. Or anyone.

Because we have technology that allows us to have sex for pleasure without expecting to procreate. Birth control and sex ed reduce abortion rates, make women healthier (they are prescribed for other things besides birth control), and helps reduce the number of children who are born into welfare. There is no reason to