
Hmmmm, where is this labeled a movie review? I usually put it in the tags.

Does wishing painful death on every person involved with either’s Trump campaign or his transition make me a horrible person?

It’s a problem that traces its roots to the American educational system and thus requires a long-term solution involving a radical overhaul of how Americans are taught to think.

What can be done to combat this kind of thinking? I have immediate family members that just flatly refuse to grapple with facts-- when they’re confronted with them, they just say, “I don’t believe that”. It feels like democracy hangs on us figuring out a way to bring these people back into the realm of reality, but I

I guess I was just doing my part to support this woman in a proper DRAFT of this headline.


oh man, as a fellow lawyer, I commiserate — older men love to explain the law to me! if it’s my boss, fine. if it’s someone who doesn’t do this every single day for a living... have a seat. have SEVERAL seats.

My uncle started on me immediately for my support of Hillary. The odd thing is that I don’t actually think he voted for Trump. He may have even voted for Hillary, but for whatever reason thinks that things are going to be just fine under the new administration. He started babbling something about infrastructure and

It literally just happened.

For me it was when she married her brother...

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

Then I put my hands up

I hate man. they are root of all evil. they can suck their own ddicks.

International Men’s Day—not to be confused with “every day, ever, throughout the history of human civilization”—is special because on this day, we sing the manly anthem.


Ellie you’re a traitor to the memory of Jia.