
Er, tell that to black men. I’m black, male, and I’ve confronted racism in institutional spaces — I can tell you with 100% certainty that our anger is not only unwanted, but also that anger will be read into whatever words/actions we use.

Thanks! I’ll check it out. There’s also Sara Ahmed’s work on diversity and institutional racism/sexism — she talks about how a person recognizing a problem makes them into the problem, a site of discomfort. And if you know anything about Sara Ahmed, she actually resigned from her job over her university’s failure to

Stassa, this is really awesome. Thank you for writing it.

I can’t possibly know exactly what they know, but to act as if literally two of the most powerful people in the world didn’t know what everyone else seems to have known is willful, profound naivete. Y’all have some weirdly misplaced belief in the ruling class’s obliviousness when it’s clear they’re driven by pure

I wish I could inhabit the same world of absolute credulousness as some of these people responding to you.

Er, an inappropriate touch is putting it rather lightly. She claims that he grabbed her by the crotch and then told his friends to smell his fingers. That’s pretty gross, and your attempt to minimize it here reflects very poorly on you.

can they ask him for the deets on all of the black activists the fbi has murdered

Yeah, it seems like a lot of white folks just straight up identified with Chris instead of seeing themselves in the white characters. In fairness, I think that’s the film’s failing.

Did Blue Apron astroturf these comments? Jesus.

this sounds terrible. it also sounds like a good example of the kind of fruitless conversations us black folks get drawn into with white folks. how is anyone unclear on the use of the n-word? it is a waste of everyone’s time to try to debate it or to explain it to white people. if they want to say it, they’re gonna

scrolled down hoping to see this. namaste.

that kid sounds awesome. commenting instead of liking because your likes are at 69 — on 4/20! nice!

This is a really bad troll. You almost had me before the “but we’re all from Africa anyway, right” stuff.

As someone who lives in Kokomo, Indiana, I’d just like to let everyone know that it’s a shit hole.

Her description of racism as cathartic (even though she obviously doesn’t recognize it as racism) might be one of the most unintentionally truthful things a white person has ever said.

this comment and kate’s made me rethink my own reaction to the interview, so thanks. i think you’re both right in that something has been elided here. i saw the post-script as a way of trying to make up for some that by acknowledging his own, gross role in objectifying and, really, dehumanizing hathaway. he comes

Really thoughtful interview and some soul-baring words. Always worthwhile to recognize each other’s humanity imo. Great writing, Rich.

joke’s on y’all. i get off on my platonic, loving, and supportive friendships with women.

I’m the product of public schools. I attended public schools in Delaware for my entire K-12 education. My graduation came just as state testing was really beginning to ramp up; I was the shitty nerd that didn’t respond to the state writing prompt, and instead wrote about how I’d rather be in English class. After that,

Suddenly, I feel a lot less embarrassed by every embarrassing thing I’ve ever done.