
I love y’all.

Yep. It’s also worth noting that folks should read the Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community statement on the White House website. It really hasn’t gotten enough attention. It’s a blueprint for this kind of policy and also a signal to the states that the federal government will support it. I tried to edit my

And legislation like this is being proposed or passed in multiple states across the country. They’re specifically targeting things like “blocking traffic” because it sounds reasonable, but is ultimately an erosion of first amendment rights. In fact, you can find lots of liberals and conservatives who immediately go

As we all know, the Democrats are very good at picking battles. The right ones. They don’t tend to capitulate at all. When the right one comes along (???), they’ll do their best.

“Maybe this is a transmission from the future via a language we don’t yet know.”

Take care of yourself, comrade.

I’d been following Demby’s remarks so I’m glad he put them all into an article.

Liberals (being herded into camps): Don’t say anything mean to the Trumps in front of their children — that’d be rude!

Amazing reporting, Clover. This was a pleasure to read, despite the sometimes terrifying content.

Whatever. If you think talking about and explaining race to incredulous white people isn’t labor, then you haven’t ready any of these comments, including your own. Stop coming at me with this nonsense.

Oh brother.

Where has anyone called Swinton a racist asshole? You’re so out of pocket here. The only intense outrage is coming from the people who are just flabbergasted that anyone would dare criticize a well-intentioned white person.

Agreed 100%. You’ve done a way better job than me of picking apart why the exchange is more complicated than it initially appears. I hope more folks read your comment.

These are great points. I felt the same but wasn’t able to articulate it, and I think I was really trying to give Swinton the benefit of the doubt.

You’re right, of course. I just think the heavy lifting tends to be all on people of color, with white folks offering very little in return.

Also, I’d say the problem of talking about race is illustrated very well here. A lot of white people want to talk about race without being wrong, and without being uncomfortable, ever. Ah, well.

I don’t pretend to know what Rich and Bobby think. I suspect that they’re caught up in how inaccurately Cho misrepresented this conversation. But yeah, the response here is crazy!

Yes, being famous and having opinions on race means that you are open to any and all white people for explanatory purposes! You’re so right!

You are so clearly uninterested in having any kind of discussion. Like, you’re obviously just here to be angry about POC for having opinions and for not being nice enough to white people. But again, I’ve already conceded. You don’t need my opinion because you’ve figured out everything already! Please continue!

Many people of color engage in these discussions strategically hoping to change someone’s mind or offer some elucidation. I engage in these conversations all the time (right now being an example). I’m not offended for her. I’ve gone out of my way to say I’m not condemning anyone and that I’m just describing things as