
This is definitely about the feelings of white people. I concede. Please go on.


You are right. There’s no writing about this on the Internet at all. There’s literally nothing else she could’ve done to understand what was going on. She simply had to summon a person of color to act as a soundboard for her own thoughts.

That may very well be true. I’m not condemning anyone here at all (though Cho looks pretty bad). I’m just describing the dynamics as I see them.

I don’t feel like that shifts the dynamic much at all, but I can see how you would feel that it does.

Yep. She was good at it, but it was standard Wise Mentor, except it was a bald white female Brit. The honest thing to say here would be: Look, they wanted a white Brit who was offbeat with a certain cachet and they didn’t want to think too hard about the Asian thing.

How is it not? She’s called on Cho to basically pick her Asian brains on diversity and racism. That’s intellectual labor and it’s a kind that people of color do for white people all of the time. I have had so many white friends come to me with these exact kind of questions, but at least they were friends. I can only

It really seems like Cho brazenly misrepresented their conversation. Huh! Not a good look

Not white, but this + Otis Redding + Darlene Love = Christmas.

I love that white men are getting to shine so bright these days. It’s been a long eight years for them.

Wailing and screaming? I’ve made two small comments. You’re on here throwing a fit.

Man, he needs to go to Trevor Noah with this kumbaya shit.

Obviously we can’t know until the movie has been released but... get this... people have been known to lie or mislead, especially when promoting a product. Shit’s wild, I know.

Now playing

This is also extremely my shit. As The Social Network trailer shows, Fincher is the master of this. Don’t come for him, ever.

There’s also the fact that it appears to be a White Savior movie, and that’s shitty whether it was originally conceived that way or not.

This man is fucked up. Taking a dick in the ass is probably one of the strongest things a person could do.

Man. Colubrine? I had to look that up. Good shit, Lauren.

I just really hate the co-opting of feminist language and messaging to sell shit.


I didn’t even know Jezebel had a store. wtf man