
You’re terrible.

Ellie, I never thought this day would come. I guess now is the time to forge bonds, not break them. And yet.

I love Jezebel. I really do. I happily voted for Clinton. This all seems profoundly misguided, though. How can we blame anyone but ourselves and the people who voted for Trump? Clinton was knowedgleable and experienced— singularly so — unfortunately, none of this made her a good candidate for this election. We

I thought Abuela was going to slit this dude’s throat, but I’m definitely feeling vomit-y now.

It’s really important to remember the women of color, like Shirley, who also led the way. Thanks for posting this, Kelly.

“Wrap that shit up, B” definitely goes through my head any time I feel like something has gone on for too long.

I also follow Vegan YouTube Drama with wide-eyed amazement and this is a pretty great summary of it. Great job, Ellie! I wish you’d have talked to Vegan Gains—that dude is a nutcase, though he’s calmed down a bit since getting a girlfriend.

This movie originally sounded interesting (and kind of creepy, with the whole waking-someone-up-against-their-will thing). Looks completely sanitized now.

The ‘Bill Clinton is the first black president” thing came from Toni Morrison. And she wasn’t making a joke. This quote is widely misunderstood.

Basic reading comprehension, probs.

Lol. I wrote a paragraph about a movie. How am I outraged? Where am I presuming to speak for all blind people? You funny.

Hm. Ok. I’m at a loss, man. Clearly you powerfully disagree with something I said, but I’ve no clue what it is. Perhaps, in place of these delightful witticisms, you could just make your point? Where I’m from, that’s typically how folks have a discussion. Anyway, whatever.


Yep. The ableism in this movie is intense. It constantly focuses on his cloudy eyes — all but saying, “look at his eyes! aren’t they gross?!” We’re also supposed to be creeped out by how effectively he navigates his own house despite being blind. Obviously, “Blind Man” exists within a storied horror tradition of a

i’m not sure the director is saying it, but the character absolutely believes that he’s not committing rape through artificial insemination.

this is exactly it. it’s a scene that goes for clever but betrays a stunningly naive understanding of the dynamics at play.


Both of these things are likely true. I also think a lot of people don’t recognize that protests are meant to be inconvenient, because otherwise... what would be the point? The folks complaining about shutting down roads or being the tiniest bit disrespectful, would have, 50 years ago, definitely complained about the

There really is no winning. But you've got a couple of comments here that show this woman displayed just the right amount of passivity for some white people, so... score?

Clover, this is some truly impressive reporting. Thank you for writing this. You covered so much, and with such care and nuance.