
Oh the character absolutely believes it... I’m just not sure if it’s meant as characterization/making a statement about male attitudes about rape, or if it’s a way for the director to eat his cake and have it too, i.e. to have forced impregnation without the icky rape requirement.

Agreed. It does make the Blind Man even more chillingly insane than he was before.

So it’s I Know What You Did Last Summer meets Saw meets Any Sleazy B-Movie Horror Flick of the Past Several Decades That Includes Rape Because There Are Literally Billions Of Those.

The baster scene sounds like the male fantasy of what a female fantasy would look like.

Even more tellingly, the “Baster Scene” as described in the Mashable review is not when the woman is hog-tied and about to be penetrated; they use that tag for the baster-in-the throat revenge. I’m glad that you brought this up, Joanna, since I decided immediately I couldn’t recommend the movie to any female friends

Man, if you need this gonzo shit to up the ante in your suspense/horror movie, you’re just not a very good writer. The sexual violation of women is not a seasoning; you can’t toss in “just a dash” and hope that it doesn’t ruin the entire affair.

I can’t wait for the sequel: Don’t Fridge

Have you ever read Bell Hooks’ 1973 essay collection on gamer culture?

Stifle your laugh harder this is serious

marry me.

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

I’m gonna go with: not enough times

approximately how many times a day are you fully punched in the face

the lyrics have been on the internet for nine months or longer

Unrelated: I’m gonna start hiding Ghostface in the background of pics just to troll ToddlerNom years from now.

Yooge treason.

Let me tell you something...his treason is stupendous! Everyone says it. Not just him.

He has the best treason. Very treasonous.

It does read as something written by someone very unaware of their own privilege. I mean, I’m sure we’d all love to spend our days exploring nature as a family and whatall but you need to be very secure in the way your life is set up on order to do so. I don’t just mean money-wise - although, a piece that waves the