
“What kind of things do you like me to do with you body?” Jeb said as I looked over the contract. “Do you like it when I keep it from healthcare?” Oh my. My inner goddess screams YES but I blush.

I said BRRRR! It’s cold in here!

The Bratz company would also love to make it clear that along with not doing Molly, the dolls have never “come alive in the middle of the night to murder and maim their captors” nor have they ever “hidden under a child’s bed and then crawled up to take any limbs poking out of the covers for the “doll devil”.

Oh the backlash is much worse if you are not white but there is apathy and dislike projected at almost all protesters these days. Think of the response to Occupy Wall Street or even Greenpeace activists.

Yeah, why didn’t this protester with a small sign lay out a detailed 10-year plan to reform public school funding in Chicago, retrain police in use of force and implement community oversight of the department, and create a jobs program for the city?

The women of this movement are goat af.

This quiet protest is proof that when it comes down to it people can’t win when they protest. If they quietly stand with a sign in front of a news conference they will be told to be more polite, if they close down intersections or refuse to obey they will be labelled thugs but if they play by the rules set by police

“USA! Everything is sunny all the time always. Beach party. Back to you, Avery.”

No, the Dems caved to GOP opposition and that’s why we don’t have single-payer healthcare. The Dems kept trying to get the GOP on board, and it never worked, and only hampers the reforms’ effectiveness.

You know who should win the best actress award this year? Leonardo Dicaprio.

The series’s entire point is that, for average citizens, war rarely means triumph, it means trauma. You’re not supposed to have the catharsis of a typical war movie—Collins’s entire point is that that shit is an invention of the movies. It’s not supposed to feel “worth it” at the end.

He continues: “Apparently there’s a term for someone who gets turned on by intellectual stuff. You know, just talking. What’s the word?” His face creases the effort of trying to remember. “I want to say ‘sodomy’?”

“I want to say sodomy?”

me when u try to pop off

Tbh: This is my field of research, so I was really disappointed with the shape of the dialogue-particularly from someone who studies childhood.

Yes I did. And I will argue that the email reflects a rather insular narrative of childhood and the work of a scholar who is under read in the field of childhood studies or not interested in the most compelling research that would trouble the theoretical underpinnings of her reasoning. I am particularly aggrieved by