
Yes, the African American community won AGAIN. When will white people finally catch a goddamn break?!

Alumna here. I’m glad that football team stood up and that Wolfe resigned. I’m a little disappointed that Johnathan Butler’s hunger strike, which was essentially the catalyst for the football team’s strike, is relegated to a parenthetical in this article. This timeline from the student newspaper might be of interest.

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

Happy Halloween!!

i ordered 14 of these chairs for the jez office

Um, HBO?

Wow. If nothing else, Project Greenlight is proving to be a fascinating and necessary look into just how poorly people of color are treated in the industry.

I totally agree with you about free speech and that even the most extreme nutter has a right to speak without being harassed or imprisoned (Mike Huckabee & ISIS both have a right to print op-ed’s IMHO...I’m a free speech extremist, no matter how ugly the speech.) But this Bryan guy is a douche: he’s just regurgitating

No, no; it’s the TEACHERS and other PUBLIC EMPLOYEES that are greedy, not Walker!

This douchenozzle runs on a CONSERVATIVE ticket. What about this is conservative? Do I not grasp the actual definition of conservative? I live in his god-damned state, making less than $20,000 a YEAR and struggling to make it day to day and he gets to spend $6.5 MILLION DOLLARS in 70 days? Gee, I wonder what $6.5

Unpopular opinion: all cereal sucks. It just sucks. It is NEVER enough food and it’s sugary and soggy and sad.

Have you ever criticized George W. Bush on live tv? Have you ever written a song as great as Love Lockdown? Thought so.

Okay, guy.



throbbing, 1-2 inch long piece of felt