
No, it’s real.

I imagine my feelings towards EDM are how people’s grandparents felt when Elvis first made it big. I just don’t get it.

This font size is appropriate imho

why what the i can’t change the above to normal size text. sorry.

babe i got a dictionary and i think it’s safe to say we’re still gonna disagree

I blame the department and let me tell you why. They praise rookie officers. They’ll go around making a 100 arrests a month, and they’ll praise them. These rookie officers will do anything to get an arrest because they want more praise, you know what I’m saying? This is the result of it. They arrested Gray for some

*breathing hard*

"You're gonna need a bigger ego"

For serious, I don't think it's out of the realms of possibility that there are people who get worked up over, essentially, molehills, but I'm generally wary of calling people out too hard on that because I'm always very aware of the possibility that these people are actually just seeing aspects that I don't see. And

Not at all. Jonathan Chait, for example, seems terribly oversensitive.

Oh, I'm perfectly happy to concede that members of oppressed groups can be (and are) capable of dogmatism, conformity, black and white thinking, or a kind of hostility to people that don't express the 'right' views in the 'right' ways. I just think that the overwhelming majority of criticism (I'll be happy to accept

A note to ppl who are gonna pop down here to ask that I re-state this argument to more specifically accommodate or rebut your personal stance: I really don't care if you disagree with me and I think it's healthy that you do. The thing that makes Chait different is that his opinions have much more power than the

I tried to be an ally too but I got fucking friendzoned ugh

The reality of it is that he's just ashamed of Ta-Nehisi Coates constantly telling him he's wrong about everything and he wants it to stop.

Like you, it's possible for me to work every holiday of the year, but anyone working where I do is making at minimum $30/hr. as regular pay, with full benefits (med/dental/eye)- employees with some years are making far more. Holiday pay is double time. Many of us volunteer to work a holiday for that reason. However,

So because you have to work holidays, EVERYONE should have to work holidays, right? Just a few years ago these retailers were not open on Thanksgiving. Pure corporate greed is the sole reason they are now opening on Thanksgiving. Enough is enough.

I don't get what you're doing here. You clearly understand why hourly wage retail workers deserve and can easily have holidays off and why certain professionals are desperately needed. So why do you have to make the point twice that this is the case for you and so many of your friends? Are you trying to complain? Do

You are too brave, Hillary. Too brave.

Why did Kanye let her finish?