
Everyone that we watched it with thought the same thing. We came away from that feeling like Andi took him for a ride.

Andi's defining characteristic is "defensiveness". She is defensive, combative, and can't take criticism AT ALL. (Remember what happened when Eric left the show?) Pretty sure she dropped out of Juan Pablo's season just so she wouldn't lose— and she justified it by exposing what happened between them in the Fantasy

This is worded so strangely, and the more times I read it the funnier it becomes.

It might be the latter, but there's still some question about the representation of persons of color in the SW universe in general. This one character's being white or black is not necessarily either prejudiced or progressive. It's just a piece of a greater whole.

Now playing

Craig is hilarious, he got me during Knocked Up when he played a body guard.

Who's the upper middle class/semi famous father of this boy?? A MOVIE DEAL????

Dear Internet:

You think that's scary? I once had some Pad Thai that was so spicy that when I finally shat it out, it spoke to me in an eerie disembodied voice and told me who would win the Cy Young Award in 2010.

Dat's nufin

I know exactly what I meant to say*...

(Side-note for this story: I cut my hair junior year of high school and got bangs, thus transforming me from awkward tall girl to awkward tall girl with a trendy haircut.)

Between your story and the 9/11 story, I can't top that, but I did want to share my worst getting hit on story.

It's my sister's story. During the height of VH1's The Pickup Artist (which we both watched religiously), some guy came up to her in a bar. He said, 'let me show you this magnetic body trick with your fingers that I like to call KINO'

On a late summer/early fall evening, I was getting ready for bed in my dorm room in Australia, where I was studying abroad.

Last summer, spied a guy in the check in line at the airport while traveling with the parentals. We were totally mutually checking each other out, but then he disappeared. I saw him next at baggage claim at our destination! Apparently we were on the same flight. We continued to eye each other at baggage claim, at the

I met my partner in the lobby of a Katherine Heigel Rom-Com. We were both running out of the theater and ended up vomiting all over each other at the stupid meet-cute premise.

we met at a 9/11 truth meeting. I should have known he was insane.

While I was studying abroad in Paris a few years ago, I was sitting at my favorite park, reading a book, and there were two extremely obnoxious American girls next to me. They talked so loudly and their conversation topics were so inane and evidently I had a visibly annoyed look on my face. A cute boy had been seated

No, racism does not work both ways. Prejudice works both ways. But not racism. We're going to do math again, okay?