
I found it funny for a second until I remembered the ridiculous amount of student loan debt I have to deal with still after paying in for years and all of a sudden in the middle of a student debt crisis I got how FAFSA's "tone" didn't sit well with people.

Maybe people could take a joke if they weren't, you know, crushed by education debt.

Actually, I'm a doctoral student in film and didn't really love this one. So ... wrong again.

Just let the white ppl cook, girl. No need to argue with the willfully ignorant.

And the bus eventually slows down in "Speed." What's your point?

The guy has a great voice. But slowing down an up-tempo song and making it all sad in a remake is such a lazy ( and common) technique. Only techno song remakes rank lower in my book.

There's a troll comment up at the top that I refused to respond to wherein said troll appears to lament the prohibition against whites using that word. He's all "if you people use it why can't I?? waaaahh" WTF is it with that line of argument?

Not a softball. Uhm. I'm working on a really long piece which I hope addresses this. A very truncated version is that gender dysphoria is not just concerned with gender expression and gender presentation, but also for many (although not all) trans individuals it is concerned with... for lack of a better term "body

Ready to have your mind blown? Sex != Gender, and sometimes, physical sex != chromosomes. There are people walking around right now who are cisgender men with two X chromosomes and there are cisgender women who have an X and a Y chromosome. Then there's other possible chromosomal combinations.

Dude, cisgender showed up in the literature in 2010, it was used years before that before it was adopted by academia. Tumblr was technically founded in 2007, but it didn't have the kind of social justice warrior weird parallel universe thing going on until the last few years. Cisgender's existence in the discourse

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

There's nothing in his rhetoric that isn't posted daily on this site. His actions are thankfully rare but his philosophy isn't.

Thank you.

She's 'looking for the right one'....the right shoulder? because that's a show I'd watch

You're looking at the upper body?

Get at me with a supercut, friend. I'm here every Saturday.

I am glad that you did not dismiss hooks and her viewpoint (like the Gawker article did).

She is a business