
"I have nothing to say about that. Except: I believe my friend."

feminism, right?


Used to live in Huntsville many years ago. The apartment complex (the whole complex) was destroyed by a tornado. I was at work at the time, but it took me a long time to realize I didn't have a place to live anymore, because ALL Of the buildings were gone. So, I kept assuming I had somehow "missed" my apartment.

Andy Serkis the Rancor Jedi! (p.s. Thank you to the internet for having more than one image of a rancor holding a lightsaber)

I can tell you who they are not: Khan. They will not be Khan. JJ has assured us there will be no Khan.

That's not how rape works though. It's not some blurry unclear thing. If one did not consent and even pushed someone away and said no, then that's rape. Whether they enjoyed it (i.e. orgasmed from the experience) does not mean they weren't still raped. It means the body had physiological responses which made the event

Whenever I hear or read stuff like this it always translates into something along the lines of "I don't want you putting your penis in my little girl." I guess I say that because I NEVER EVER get to experience these kinds of odes to their sons. Perhaps if their sons were in danger of having a penis inserted in them? I

"Since before my spunk took hold and ignited the fire in her mother's belly"

this shit is so lame. bullshit posturing. your job as a parent is to raise a girl who can deal with all of this without your intervention. if you are necessary here, you have failed.

Your comment is suggests that you were both alive during the 90s but remember none of it.

Honestly? I thought the video was stupid and I couldn't get over how she sung in duckface pout and thought greasy hair was cool, but as far as the whole "black people as props/appropriation" thing? It ranked more meh than outrage for me. Yeah it was annoying that all the drug dealers were black people, but it's no

White girls looking ~bad a$$~ in the vicinity of all black people is kind of a played out trope. You might want to rethink it before you do it again. That's all people are saying.

Someone thinking your video is racist is not an attack on your humanity. Calm the fuck down.

No need to go count all the ways in which you

Yeah, video is stupid. Dumb pop stars shouldn't be allowed to comment on things that are above their pay grade. If she can't figure out how cliched this looks toward black people (despite whatever way she was raised), then maybe she oughta take a college course instead of smoking her drugs in Saugerties, New York.

I watched it , it did seem to me like she was trying to do a modern version of the Bad video, but whatever. I mean white girl (white latina is still white) using black people to look tough or whatever=tuesday. The most I got from this is that a lot of white girls are still too basic to come up with their own ways to

You are 15 years too late.

Latina/Latino is not a race. She is very white passing. Anyways, people of colour are perfectly capable of and often do perpetuate anti-blackness. This includes reproducing stereotypes regarding Black criminality that fit into and uphold white supremacist discourses that are anti-black.

Aside from any potential racism, that was a horrible music video! The bad 80's style pop music doesn't go with the "I'm a gangster" vibe she's going for at all. The dancing is awkward and her hair tossing and body rubbing makes it worse.