
I'm illiterate because I won't summarize the sprawling power and influence that hundreds of years of oppression has had on our attitudes to race and how they relate to racial power dynamics? Even after I've directly linked you to the information you've asked for, but you're too lazy to click?

I love the meta trolls calling you illiterate and angry. It's like they're trying to teach us how media representations of Black women affect everyday perceptions AND irony at the same time!

Wait, I'm angry? Oh. I hadn't realized. I thought I was calmly replying but to your comment, but thanks for letting me know I was angry. Got to keep a handle on that.

If you didn't click, you didn't want to understand. Also, you're lazy.

Cue influx of people who don't understand how racism and institutional power works in 3, 2, 1....

*giggles* She wants the vitamin D. *giggles* In her Vagina. *giggles*

I'm sure she doesn't have any trouble getting D when she wants it?

THAT WAS MY FIRST RESPONSE. She is being willfully ignorant about everything-SodaStream, Woody Allen... inexcusable and, ahem, that just feels irresponsible to me.

Really, we know none of these people in any way. I have my celebrities I like and celebrities I don't like, but it's all based on a bunch of crap I either made up or was told. Like, I like Mary Kate, but I don't like Ashley. No, I cannot tell them apart.

I'm not sure I'd call her bright really. She reminds me a lot of people with whom I attended high school. Highly privileged, access to coded and privileged phrases and language and the ability to throw in a liberal arts compare/contrast in every interview: well-spoken but unintelligent if you actually read the words.

"I think it's irresponsible to take a bunch of actors that will have a Google alert on and to suddenly throw their name into a situation that none of us could possibly knowingly comment on," Johansson said. "That just feels irresponsible to me."

I honestly don't know if you're a troll or just stupid.

You're allowed to use whatever words you choose to use. Flounce all you want, but others are also allowed to interpret them as they will and act accordingly. It is unlikely that you will be jailed or burned at the stake over this. Your safety is not under threat. So, take an auditorium of seats and try to deal with

Someone in the greys is bemoaning that he can't use thug anymore. It's funny because he isn't being ironic. :(

At this point in my life, none of these shows exist in a vacuum for me. I've been imbibing the same male-focused narratives for nearly 40 years and I just sort of woke up a couple years ago and realized: I am at quota. My giveafuck bucket is empty. It's not personal and has nothing to do with artistic merit. I'm just

I don't personally need women to be main characters. I understand there isn't a ton of room for characterization beyond Marty and Rust. My problem is that just about every single woman on the show is a sexual plot device. What I mean is, if you've got 10 male actors, 10 of them will be playing cops or bad guys or

God people are defensive about this show. There was a nearly 300 comment thread on Gawker yesterday all started by one person saying they didn't like it because it was just too male-focused. INTERNETS 'SPLOSION

Consider reading the other articles mentioned. They go in depth about the specific criticisms being leveled. Personally, I think it's way more important to discuss something I find problematic in a really great show (I've watched all the episodes twice so far and read The Yellow Man, because I'm a nutball) because I'm