
I don't understand this—we should criticize bad shows, but not good ones? How does that make sense?

I'm really interested in what worked for you re: Fassbender's performance in 12 Years a Slave. When my gentleman friend and I saw the movie, we both found him to be borderline cartoonish. The gentleman friend speculated that perhaps there were scenes which made Fassbender uncomfortable — understandable — so he

I wonder what it's like to be so bored you actually wrote this article instead of staring at a wall?


What does your finger pube grooming choice say about you? We need an article.

Finger pubes

I think the defenses of him read as if this all sounds awfully similar to the backlash against Serena's crip walk...which sounded awfully similar to the backlash against Jack Johnson...which to a lot of Black people feels awfully familiar to the backlash we receive any time we dare to acknowledge that we are better

This is my first time coming to Deadspin and I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised by this article. Poignant and well written. Also, don't you dare take down her tweet. She knew exactly what she was trying to say, and now wants to backtrack as a result of your article going viral.

And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for

My husband is a speechwriter for a university president. You better bet he plagiarizes nothing, fact-checks everything, and regularly reviews speech drafts with the president.
That's THE REASON you hire dedicated speechwriters - so someone can research and verify what you're going to say. You must stand behind what you

your name resembles, and should be "99bummers" — based on your comments here and on other stories today.

Yes, you're on the right track... Feminism is not all-inclusive. It's not supposed to be. It's something that's not all about men. So of course some men feel threatened around it.

So. Women of color and queer women have been pointing out the problems with "feminism" since forever, and it's a white dude's decision to go with "genderist" that makes you decide to write an article on how it's ok to not identify that way? Women who eschew the label are routinely held up as punching bags for you

I have to say, I used to participate in that group-think interpretation of what feminism is, and when I first stumbled upon Jezebel, I was firmly entrenched in it. But then I shut up, I started paying attention, and my perception changed. I became aware of the concept of privilege as a white male. I'm not perfect, and

Right? This was my first question. Was Michelle Duggar's mother a slut? Did her grandmother dance in the Follies? Back somewhere in a cave painting, is her ancestor the one wearing just a littttle too short of a loincloth?

My daughters are the second generation of modest dressing in this family.

Did you watch the same video? She flat out admits that she was drinking before she left.

I didn't like it. In the end, Walter White is a noble hero? He poisons children, lets girlfriends die in their own vomit, tortures said girlfriends boyfriend with the knowledge of what he did, allows him to be captured and tortured for a year, bombs nursing homes, and the litany of other evil things he's done...
