
the funny thing about all of the pushback in these comments is the idea that “police are the real victims here” is some repressed opinion finally seeing the light of day in a student newspaper, and not, you know, the dominant cultural narrative

Who are these people who show up every time Kanye is mentioned to offer the most common, boring critiques imaginable? You’re not alone. Everything you’re saying is prosaic and redundant.

your excessive reasonableness is scaring me

this burn. damn.

too busy gawking at the beauty of the language here to get embroiled in fights about seasons. “mornings brightened into afternoons melted into twilight deepened into dark, hot, damp forever.” “the true holiday fetishist is a product of overheated capitalism, a festivity-camouflaged modern-day ghoul.”

b-b-b-but competition! free markets!

I’m with Macabre Kitten on this 100%, but I don’t think this is even a troll post. I mean, it probably is, what with the burner account and all, but the feminist wire published an article in the past day or so saying essentially the same thing. This whole thing seems like it’s set to wreak a special kind of havoc on

yeah, this is crazy. i’m sure he meant that they didn’t mean to hurt him, but they obviously did mean to do something to him. maybe what he really wants to say is they didn’t mean to *kill* him, but who really gives a shit?

oh my god

wow. i read the whole thing. i think white libs are too sensitive and need to calm down.

that seems to be the sum of it, doesn't it? coates has been giving him medicine for at least a year now.

It paid off. It's some gorgeously shot violence.

Agreed on all points. Plus, it might not be great, or even particularly good, but it was way better than Les Mis, which I'm still recovering from two years later.

This article's brief tangle with the fact that there are other feminisms in the world feels slightly insincere when compared to a front page that's 95% about white women, and a top story literally fawning over Miley Cyrus's Instagram pics. Maybe I'm crazy, but I swear there was a time when this site wasn't just A

Toxic Avenger mermaid. You're killing it, Mark.

i'm super dreading the lead-up to the election where we all convince ourselves that clinton isn't some terrible center-right liberal and that a first <blank> president really means something

"i'm young, rich, white, and quirky" - literally everything lena dunham has ever written.

man. we're definitely living in the darkest timeline.

Had to reply to say you killed it with the Speed line. Well done.